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R&D collaborations along the industry life cycle: the case of German photovoltaics manufacturer. (2021). Hipp, Ann.
In: Industrial and Corporate Change.

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  1. Firm innovation and generalized trust as a regional resource. (2023). Runst, Petrik ; Hipp, Ann ; Bischoff, Thore Soren.
    In: Research Policy.

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References cited by this document

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  28. The changing role of network ties and critical capabilities in an international new venture’s early development. (2017). Andersson, Svante ; Achtenhagen, Leona ; Laurell, Helene .
    In: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.

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  29. Tie heterogeneity in networks of interlocking directorates: a cost–benefit approach to firms’ tie choice. (2017). Rank, Olaf N ; Brennecke, Julia.
    In: Business Research.

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  30. Les réseaux d’innovation public-privé dans les services (RIPPS) : une nouvelle expression des réseaux d’innovation dans une économie des services et du développement durable. (2017). Gallouj, Faïz ; Djellal, Faridah.
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  31. The visible hand of cluster policy makers: An analysis of Aerospace Valley (2006-2015) using a place-based network methodology. (2017). Vicente, Jérôme ; Piquero, Delio Lucena.
    In: Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG).

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  32. The actors and relations in evolving networks: The determinants of inter-regional technology transaction in China. (2017). Sun, Yutao ; Grimes, Seamus.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  33. Alliance network configurations and the co-evolution of firms technology profiles: An analysis of the biopharmaceutical industry. (2017). Duysters, Geert ; Jacob, Jojo.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  34. Network stability, connectivity and innovation output. (2017). Zhang, Gupeng ; Zhou, Jianghua ; Duan, Hongbo.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  35. Network governance of a multi-level, multi-sectoral sport event: Differences in coordinating ties and actors. (2017). Parent, Milena M ; Rouillard, Christian ; Naraine, Michael L.
    In: Sport Management Review.

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  36. Toward a dynamic process model of entrepreneurial networking under uncertainty. (2017). Engel, Yuval ; Elfring, Tom ; Kaandorp, Mariette .
    In: Journal of Business Venturing.

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  37. Mapping networks: Exploring the utility of social network analysis in management research and practice. (2017). Monaghan, Sinead ; Gunnigle, Patrick ; Lavelle, Jonathan.
    In: Journal of Business Research.

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  38. How far is World Champion from World Class? Institutional effects on a Brazilian non-profit sports organization. (2017). Rizzo, Ivan Rodrigo ; Rossi, George Bedinelli.
    In: Brazilian Business Review.

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  39. Informal Managerial Networks and Formal Firm Alliances. (2016). Brennecke, Julia ; Schierjott, Irena ; Rank, Olaf .
    In: Schmalenbach Business Review.

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  40. The evolution of inter-organisational social capital with foreign customers: Its direct and interactive effects on SMEs’ foreign performance. (2016). Presutti, Manuela ; Fratocchi, Luciano ; Boari, Cristina.
    In: Journal of World Business.

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  41. What makes you more central? Antecedents of changes in betweenness-centrality in technology-based alliance networks. (2016). Victor, Arevalo ; Bertrand-Cloodt, Daniëlle ; Gilsing, Victor A ; Bertrandacloodt, Danielle .
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  42. Understanding network formation in strategy research: Exponential random graph models. (2016). Arora, Ashish ; Boeker, Warren ; Pahnke, Emily Cox ; Howard, Michael ; Youn, JI ; Siggelkow, Nicolaj ; Mitchell, Will ; Lynch, John ; Kaplan, Sarah ; Gittelman, Michelle .
    In: Strategic Management Journal.

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  43. The impact of context and model choice on the determinants of strategic alliance formation: Evidence from a staged replication study. (2016). Rosenkopf, Lori ; Helfat, Constance E ; Bettis, Richard A ; Ranganathan, Ram ; Ghosh, Anindya ; Shaver, Myles J.
    In: Strategic Management Journal.

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  44. Dynamic evolution of collaborative networks: evidence from nano-energy research in China. (2015). Guan, Jian Cheng ; Liu, NA.
    In: Scientometrics.

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  45. How do collaborative features affect scientific output? Evidences from wind power field. (2015). Guan, Jiancheng ; Zhang, Jingjing ; Yan, Yan.
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  46. Fostering Customer Ideation in Crowdsourcing Community: The Role of Peer-to-peer and Peer-to-firm Interactions. (2015). Wa, Kimmy ; Zhu, John Jianjun ; Li, Stella Yiyan.
    In: Journal of Interactive Marketing.

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  47. Network Determinants of a Collaborative Funding System: The Case of the German Innovation Policy. (2014). Umlauf, Florian.
    In: Papers on Economics and Evolution.

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