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Less Income Inequality and More Growth – Are they Compatible? Part 8. The Drivers of Labour Income Inequality – A Literature Review. (2012). Koske, Isabell ; Kierzenkowski, Rafal.
In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers.

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    In: FDZ-Methodenreport.

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  23. Berufliche Tasks auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt : eine alternative Messung auf Basis einer Expertendatenbank (Occupational Tasks in the German Labour Market : an alternative measurement on the basis o. (2014). Paulus, Wiebke ; Matthes, Britta ; Dengler, Katharina.
    In: FDZ-Methodenreport.

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  24. Labour Market and Social Policies to Foster More Inclusive Growth in Sweden. (2013). Koen, Vincent ; Jamet, Stephanie ; Chalaux, Thomas.
    In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers.

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  25. The Equity Implications of Fiscal Consolidation. (2013). Wurzel, Eckhard ; Rawdanowicz, Lukasz ; Christensen, Ane Kathrine .
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  26. The determinants of earnings inequality: evidence from quantile regressions. (2012). Koske, Isabell ; Fournier, Jean-Marc.
    In: OECD Journal: Economic Studies.

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References cited by this document

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