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Can Pro-growth Policies Lift all Boats?: An Analysis Based on Household Disposable Income. (2015). de Serres, Alain ; Causa, Orsetta ; Ruiz, Nicolas ; DESERRES, Alain .
In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers.

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  1. Revisiting the Solow-Swan model of income convergence in the context of coffee producing and re-exporting countries in the world. (2022). de Maria, Marcello ; Mgeni, Charles P ; Kangile, Joseph ; Szabo, Sylvia ; Robinson, Elizabeth ; Nhau, Brighton ; Tsusaka, Takuji .
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  2. The Effect of Structural Reforms: Do They Differ between GDP and Adjusted Household Disposable Income?. (2022). Turner, David ; Egert, Balazs ; Botev, Jamila.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  3. The distributional impact of labour market reforms: A model-based assessment. (2021). Vogel, Lukas ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Varga, Janos ; Roeger, Werner.
    In: European Economic Review.

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  4. The Distributional Impact of Labour Market Reforms: A Model-Based Assessment. (2019). Vogel, Lukas ; Varga, Janos ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Roeger, Werner.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  5. An empirical investigation on the drivers of income redistribution across OECD countries. (2018). Causa, Orsetta ; Akgun, Oguzhan ; Vindics, Anna.
    In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers.

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  6. Income Redistribution Through Taxes and Transfers across OECD Countries. (2018). Hermansen, Mikkel ; Causa, Orsetta.
    In: LIS Working papers.

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  7. Income redistribution through taxes and transfers across OECD countries. (2017). Causa, Orsetta ; Hermansen, Mikkel.
    In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers.

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  8. Can an Increase in Public Investment Sustainably Lift Economic Growth?. (2016). Pain, Nigel ; Mourougane, Annabelle ; Fournier, Jean-Marc ; Botev, Jarmila ; Rusticelli, Elena.
    In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers.

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  9. Public Finance, Economic Growth and Inequality: A Survey of the Evidence. (2016). Johansson, SA.
    In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers.

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  10. The Distributional Impact of Structural Reforms. (2016). Causa, Orsetta ; Ruiz, Nicolas ; Hermansen, Mikkel.
    In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers.

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  11. Inequality in Denmark through the Looking Glass. (2016). Causa, Orsetta ; Smidova, Zuzana ; Klein, Caroline ; Ruiz, Nicolas ; Hermansen, Mikkel.
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  12. Priorities for completing the European Unions Single Market. (2016). Strask, Jan.
    In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  46. Income Distribution and Demand-induced Innovations. (). Zweimüller, Josef ; Foellmi, Reto.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  47. Inequality and Economic Growth - European Versus U.S. Experiences. (). Zweimüller, Josef ; Foellmi, Reto.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  48. Inequality, Redistribution, and Economic Growth. (). Zweimüller, Josef.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  49. Schumpeterian Entrepreneurs Meet Engels Law: The Impact of Inequality on Innovation-Driven Growth. (). Zweimüller, Josef.
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  50. Preferences for Redistribution in the Land of Opportunities. (). La Ferrara, Eliana ; Alesina, Alberto.
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