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Identifying and Estimating Neighborhood Effects. (2016). Graham, Bryan.
In: NBER Working Papers.

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  1. Spillovers of prosocial motivation: Evidence from an intervention study on blood donors. (2020). Haenni, Simon ; Bruhin, Adrian ; Jiang, Lingqing ; Goette, Lorenz.
    In: Journal of Health Economics.

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  2. Does segregation matter for Latinos?. (2018). de la Roca, Jorge ; Steil, Justin ; Ellen, Ingrid Gould.
    In: Journal of Housing Economics.

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  22. The Declining Labor Market Prospects of Less-Educated Men. (2019). Bound, John ; Binder, Ariel J.
    In: Journal of Economic Perspectives.

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  23. Math Matters: Education Choices and Wage Inequality. (2018). Rendall, Michelle.
    In: 2018 Meeting Papers.

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  24. The Long-Term Spillover Effects of Changes in the Return to Schooling. (2018). Perez, Santiago ; Lavy, Victor ; Abramitzky, Ran.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  25. Estimating the Productivity of Community Colleges in Paving the Road to Four-Year College Success. (2018). Kurlaender, Michal ; Carrell, Scott E.
    In: NBER Chapters.

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  26. Learning and Earning: An Approximation to College Value Added in Two Dimensions. (2018). Saavedra, Juan E ; Riehl, Evan ; Urquiola, Miguel.
    In: NBER Chapters.

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  27. Optimal Need-Based Financial Aid. (2018). Findeisen, Sebastian ; Colas, Mark ; Sachs, Dominik.
    In: Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers.

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  28. Extremal quantile regressions for selection models and the black–white wage gap. (2018). Maurel, Arnaud ; D'Haultfoeuille, Xavier ; Zhang, Yichong ; Dhaultfuille, Xavier .
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  29. Optimal Need-Based Financial Aid. (2018). Findeisen, Sebastian ; Sachs, Dominik ; Colas, Mark.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  30. Optimal Need-Based Financial Aid. (2018). Findeisen, Sebastian ; Sachs, Dominik ; Colas, Mark.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  31. The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Male and Female Employment and Earnings in India. (2017). van der Meulen, Yana ; Menon, Nidhiya.
    In: Asian Development Review.

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  32. Skill Prices, Occupations and Changes in the Wage Structure. (2017). Roys, Nicolas ; Taber, Chris.
    In: 2017 Meeting Papers.

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  33. Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences. (2017). Ransom, Tyler ; Maurel, Arnaud ; Hotz, V. Joseph ; Ashworth, Jared.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  34. The Nativity Wealth Gap in Europe: a Matching Approach. (2017). Ferrari, Irene.
    In: MEA discussion paper series.

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  35. The Price of Polarization: Estimating Task Prices under Routine-Biased Technical Change. (2017). Bohm, Michael Johannes.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  36. Quality in Early Years Settings and Children’s School Achievement. (2017). McNally, Sandra ; Blanden, Joanne ; Hansen, Kirstine .
    In: CEP Discussion Papers.

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  37. Measuring and Accounting for the Deprivation Gap of Portuguese Immigrants in Luxembourg. (2017). Van Kerm, Philippe ; Hildebrand, Vincent ; Pi, Maria Noel.
    In: Review of Income and Wealth.

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  38. Cohort Changes in Educational Pathways and Returns to Education. (2016). Fitzenberger, Bernd ; Osikominu, Aderonke ; Zimmermann, Markus.
    In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change.

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  39. When Do Covariates Matter? And Which Ones, and How Much?. (2016). Gelbach, Jonah B.
    In: Journal of Labor Economics.

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  40. A New Measure of College Quality to Study the Effects of College Sector and Peers on Degree Attainment. (2016). Stange, Kevin ; Smith, Jonathan.
    In: Education Finance and Policy.

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  41. American Higher Education and Income Inequality. (2016). Hill, Catharine B.
    In: Education Finance and Policy.

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  42. Decomposing Joint Distributions via Reweighting Functions: An Application to Intergenerational Economic Mobility. (2016). Rosburg, Alicia ; Richey, Jeremiah.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  43. Decomposing Black-White Wage Gaps Across Distributions: Young U.S. Men and Women in 1990 vs. 2011. (2016). Richey, Jeremiah ; Tromp, Nikolas .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  44. Estimating the Productivity of Community Colleges in Paving the Road to Four-Year Success. (2016). Carrell, Scott ; Kurlaender, Michal .
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  45. Learning and Earning: An Approximation to College Value Added in Two Dimensions. (2016). Urquiola, Miguel ; Riehl, Evan ; Saavedra, Juan E.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  46. Identifying and Estimating Neighborhood Effects. (2016). Graham, Bryan.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  47. Task-specific experience and task-specific talent: Decomposing the productivity of high school teachers. (2016). Mansfield, Richard ; Cook, Jason.
    In: Journal of Public Economics.

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  48. The Dynamic Effects of Obesity on the Wages of Young Workers. (2015). Pinkston, Joshua.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  49. A New Measure of College Quality to Study the Effects of College Sector and Peers on Degree Attainment. (2015). Stange, Kevin ; Smith, Jonathan.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  50. The Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage: A Selection Ratio Approach to Measuring Treatment Effects. (2015). Slichter, David.
    In: 2015 Papers.

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  51. The impact of changing youth employment patterns on future wages. (2015). Umkehrer, Matthias.
    In: IAB Discussion Paper.

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  52. Leaving school in an economic downturn and self-esteem across early and middle adulthood. (2015). Maclean, Johanna ; Hill, Terrence D.
    In: Labour Economics.

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  53. Math matters: education choices and wage inequality. (2014). Rendall, Andrew.
    In: ECON - Working Papers.

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  54. The Wage Effects of Job Polarization: Evidence from the Allocation of Talents. (2014). Bohm, Michael .
    In: Annual Conference 2014 (Hamburg): Evidence-based Economic Policy.

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  55. The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination. (2014). Castex, Gonzalo ; Dechter, Evgenia Kogan .
    In: Journal of Labor Economics.

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  56. Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap. (2014). Maurel, Arnaud ; D'Haultfoeuille, Xavier ; Zhang, Yichong.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  57. Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap. (2014). Maurel, Arnaud ; D'Haultfoeuille, Xavier ; Zhang, Yichong.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  58. Youth Employment Instability, True State Dependence and Adult Wage Inequality. (2013). Umkehrer, Matthias.
    In: Annual Conference 2013 (Duesseldorf): Competition Policy and Regulation in a Global Economic Order.

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  59. Borrowing Constraints, College Enrollment, and Delayed Entry. (2013). Johnson, Matthew T..
    In: Journal of Labor Economics.

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  60. The Market for Rough Diamonds: Information, Finance and Wage Inequality. (2013). Koutmeridis, Theodore.
    In: Discussion Paper Series, Department of Economics.

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  61. The Market for Rough Diamonds: Information, Finance and Wage Inequality. (2013). Koutmeridis, Theodore.
    In: CDMA Working Paper Series.

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  62. The health effects of leaving school in a bad economy. (2013). Maclean, Johanna.
    In: Journal of Health Economics.

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  63. The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination. (2013). Castex, Gonzalo ; Dechter, Evgenia .
    In: Working Papers Central Bank of Chile.

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  64. Has Job Polarization Squeezed the Middle Class? Evidence from the Allocation of Talents. (2013). Boehm, Michael J..
    In: CEP Discussion Papers.

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  65. Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Employer Provided Fringe Benefits. (2011). Siddique, Zahra ; Mok, Wallace K C.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  66. Decomposition Methods in Economics. (2011). Fortin, Nicole ; Lemieux, Thomas ; Firpo, Sergio.
    In: Handbook of Labor Economics.

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  67. Long-term Contextual Effects in Education: Schools and Neighborhoods. (2001). Laliberté, Jean-William.
    In: Working Papers.

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