- , (B1) where ð‘ð‘œð‘ð‘Žð‘– is the 2017 age group population for educational quartile i and ∑ ð‘ð‘œð‘ð‘Žð‘– ð‘Ž is the total population of that quartile. These aggregations are done based on age and education but not race groups, so the r subscript is not included. We then take the weighted average of death rates across age groups, standardized based on the 2017 age distribution: ð‘šð‘œð‘Ÿð‘¡ Ì‚ð‘–ð‘¡ = ∑ (ð‘¤ð‘Žð‘– 2017 × ð‘šð‘œð‘Ÿð‘¡ð‘Žð‘–ð‘¡) ð‘Ž , (B2) 41 where ð‘šð‘œð‘Ÿð‘¡ð‘Žð‘–ð‘¡ denotes the death rate for age-group a in education quartile i and year t, and ð‘šð‘œð‘Ÿð‘¡ Ì‚ð‘–ð‘¡ denotes the corresponding overall age-adjusted death rate for quartile i in that year.
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- To describe broad changes in the education distribution, we similarly also aggregate across groups. Specifically, we calculate quartile-specific average education as: ð‘’ð‘‘ð‘¢ð‘ Ì‚ð‘–ð‘¡ = ∑ (ð‘¤ð‘Žð‘– 2017 × ð‘’ð‘‘ð‘¢ð‘ð‘Žð‘–ð‘¡) ð‘Ž
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