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Patent Commons, Thickets, and Open Source Software Entry by Start-Up Firms. (2013). Forman, Chris ; Wen, Wen ; Ceccagnoli, Marco.
In: NBER Working Papers.

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  1. Green Technology Diffusion: A Post-Mortem Analysis of the Eco-Patent Commons. (2018). Helmers, Christian ; Hall, Bronwyn ; Contreras, Jorge L.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  2. Patent pools and innovation in substitute technologies—evidence from the 19th-century sewing machine industry. (2013). Moser, Petra ; Lampe, Ryan .
    In: RAND Journal of Economics.

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References cited by this document

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  2. APPENDIX A: Patent Pledging Events Event Date Pledging Firm(s) Pledged Patent(s) Potential licensees Notes Jan 2005 IBM More than 500 specified patents (contributed to The Commons) Anyone developing code under an OSI approved license This pledging event has been included in our analysis Jan 2005 Sun Microsystems 1670 (unspecified) patents related to Sun’s Solaris Developer working on any approved project under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Two main criticisms of this pledge: 1. The CDDL doesn’t permit mingling its code with code under GNU GPL, which governs Linux.
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  33. Jaffe, A.B, M.S. Fogarty, B.A. Banks. 1998. Evidence from Patents and Patent Citations on the Impact of NASA and Other Federal Labs on Commercial Innovation. Journal of Industrial Economics 46(2): 183-205.

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  49. Scotchmer. 2004. Innovation and Incentives. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
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  50. Sep 2005 Computer Associates International Inc. 14 patents (contributed to The Commons) Anyone developing code under an OSI approved license This pledging event has been included as a control in our analysis.
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  51. Serafino, D. 2007. Survey of Patent Commons Demonstrates Variety of Purposes and Management Structures. KEI Research Note 6.
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  56. that code. While such endeavor to identify patent classes across software markets has been undertaken by prior research, in particular Cockburn and MacGarvie (2006, 2011), we constructed our own classification for several reasons. First, our sample period is more recent than theirs, so the mapping between patent technologies and product markets may have changed over time. Second, Cockburn and MacGarvie (2006, 2011) examined 28 specific CorpTech product codes that have incomplete overlap with the open source product markets that we study. Finally, we took the intersection of the patent classes from the patents in The Commons with the above mapping, which lead to 34 US patent classes and their corresponding product codes.
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  57. Thompson P., M. Fox-Kean. 2005. Patent Citations and the Geography of Knowledge Spillovers: A Reassessment. The American Economic Review 95(1): 450-460.

  58. Unfortunately, data from the CorpTech Directory from 2005 to 2009 was not available.
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  59. von Graevenitz G., S. Wagner, D. Harhoff. 2011. How to measure patent thickets—A novel approach. Economics Letters 111(1): 6-9.

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  63. Ziedonis, R.H. 2004. Don't Fence Me In: Fragmented Markets for Technology and the Patent Acquisition Strategies of Firms Management Science 50(6): 804-820.


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