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Letter Grading Government Efficiency. (2012). Shleifer, Andrei ; Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio ; La Porta, Rafael ; Chong, Alberto ; Laporta, Rafael ; Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, .
In: NBER Working Papers.

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  2. Engaging with Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: An Alternative Approach to Theory, Measurement and Practice. (2014). Woolcock, Michael.
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  3. Using Case Studies to Explore the External Validity of Complex Development Interventions. (2013). Woolcock, Michael.
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  4. Hierarchical Global Pollution Control in Asymmetric Information Environments: A Continuous-type, Three-tier Agency Framework. (2013). Suzuki, Yutaka.
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  6. Education Attainment in Public Administration Around the World; Evidence from a New Dataset. (2012). Toscani, Frederik ; arezki, rabah ; Quintyn, Marc G ; Lui, Herbert .
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References cited by this document

  1. (Source: Own calculation based on expert data from the Quality of Government Survey (2011) and Dahlstrom, Lapuente and Teorell (2011)).
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  2. Avg. government wage / GDP percapita 2000 84 2.58 2.37 1.09 0.54 10.75 Average government wage of all public sector employees over Gross Domestic product per capita in 2000 in constant US dollars. (Source: World Bank) Postman salary / GDP percapita 2005 25 0.66 0.48 1.38 0.23 2.38 Postman job average net monthly income in constant 2005 US dollars PPP adjusted as a proportion of GDP per capita in constant 2005 US dollars. The postman job includes the following responsiilities: (i) sorts mail according to streets and street numbers; (ii) delivers mail along a regular route to private home or business establishments. The gross income is obtained from data provided to the international Labor Organization by government agencies. (Source: World Salaries Organization).
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  3. Barro, R. 1999. “Determinants of Democracy,” Journal of Political Economy 107(S6):158-183. Barro, R. 2012. “Convergence and Modernization,” Mimeo, Harvard University.

  4. Bloom, N., A. Mahajan, D. McKenzie, and J. Roberts. 2010. “Why Do Firms in Developing Countries Have Low Productivity?” American Economic Review 100(2): 619–623.

  5. Bloom, N., and J. Van Reenen. 2007. “Measuring and Explaining Management Practices across Firms and Countries,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 122(4): 1351-1408.

  6. Bloom, N., and J. Van Reenen. 2010. “Why Do Management Practices Differ across Firms and Countries?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 24(1): 203-224.

  7. Botero, J., A. Ponce, and A. Shleifer. 2012. “Human Capital and the Quality of Government,” mimeo.
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  8. Castillo, M., R. Petrie, M. Torero, A. Viceisza. 2011. “Lost in the Mail: A Field Experiment in Crime,” mimeo.

  9. Chaudhury, N., J. Hammer, M. Kremer, K. Muralidharan, and F. H. Rogers. 2006. “Missing in Action: Teacher and Health Worker Absence in Developing Countries,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 20(1): 91–116.

  10. Closed public administration (subindex of 3 questions) 103 5.04 0.88 5.69 2.67 6.67 Subindex of "Weberian" qualities of the public administration that refer to meritocratic recruitment and the closedness of the buraucracy following Dahlstrom, Lapuente and Teorell (2011).
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  11. Dahlstrom, C., V. Lapuente, and J. Teorell. 2011. “Dimensions of Bureaucracy II: A Cross-national Dataset on the Structure and Behavior of Public Administration,” Goterborg: The Quality of Government Institute Working Paper 2011:6.
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  12. Evans, P., and J. Rauch. 1999. “Bureacracy and Growth: A Cross-National Analysis of the Effects of “Weberian” State Structures on Economic Growth,” American Sociological Review 64 (5): 748-765.
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  13. Finer, S. 1997. The History of Government from the Earliest Times, volumes 1-3. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
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  14. Hirschman, A. O. 1970. Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
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  15. Impartiality of public sector employees (index of 3 questions) 101 4.06 1.19 3.41 2.00 6.50 Index of the impartiality of the bureaucracy following Dahlstrom, Lapuente and Teorell (2011). It is built on comparable expert evaluations of employment-related bureaucratic structures.
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  16. Incentives 16 2.81 0.19 14.67 2.50 3.30 Sub-index of firm "incentive management practices" in each country. Incentive management practices measure if companies are promoting and rewarding employees based on performance, and if they are trying to hire and keep their best employees. The subiindex is the average of seven of the 18 basic management practices i n the overall management practices index. (Source:Bloom and Van Reenen, 2010).
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  17. Kaufmann, D., A. Kraay, M. Mastruzzi. 2008. “Governance Matters VII: Aggregate and Individual Governance Indicators 1996-2007,” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4654.

  18. La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer, and R. Vishny. 1997. “Trust in Large Organizations,” American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 87(2): 333-338.

  19. Lewis, W. 2004. The Power of Productivity. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

  20. Ln GDP per capita 153 8.76 1.40 6.24 2.15 11.33 Natural logarithm of gross domestic product per capita in PPP constant 2005 international dollars in 2010. When data for 2010 is not available, we use the most recent information available for the period 2004-2009. (Souce: World Development Indicators 2011). Full state monopoly or some service reserved for the state 141 0.74 0.44 1.70 0.00 1.00 Dummy variable equal to one if the state postal service has complete monopoly over all parcels or over letters and/or packages up to a certain weight, and zero otherwise. (Souce: Own calcualtion using UPU data).
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  21. Ln permanent offices percapita 157 4.04 1.36 2.97 0.58 6.35 Natural logarithm of the number of permanent post offices per million people in a given country in 2010. If the data for 2010 is unavailable, we use the most recent value between 2005 and 2009. Source: Universal Postal Union, except for Taiwan, who does not belong to the UPU Postal Union and for which we used the its Post Office annual Report. (Source: Own calculation based on UPU data).
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  22. Ln postal staff percapita 157 5.94 1.56 3.81 2.29 8.97 Natural logarithm of the number of postal staff per million people in a given country in 2010. If the data for 2010 is unavailable, we use the most recent value between 2005 and 2009. Source: Universal Postal UnionSource: Universal Postal Union, except for Taiwan, who does not belong to the UPU Postal Union and for which we used the its Post Office annual Report. (Source: Own calculation based on UPU data).
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  23. Management practices 16 2.94 0.22 13.52 2.64 3.33 Index of firm overall management practices in each country. The index is based on an interview-based evaluation that defines and scores 1 (worst practice) to 5 (best practice) 18 basic management practices of a sample of firms in the country. The practices fall in three broad areas: (1) monitoring; (2) targets; and (3) incentives. (Souce: Bloom and Van Reenen, 2010).
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  24. Monitoring 16 3.12 0.28 11.26 2.63 3.53 Sub-index of firm "monitoring management practices" in each country. Monitoring practices measure how well companies monitor what goes on inside their firms and use this for coninuous improvement. The subiindex is the average of six of the 18 basic management practices in the overall management practices index. (Souce: Bloom and Van Reenen, 2010).
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  25. Papaioannou, E. and G. Siourounis. 2008. “Economic and Social Factors Driving the Third Wave of Democratization,” Journal of Comparative Economics 36(3): 365-387.

  26. Professional & non-political public administration (subinidex of 4 questions) 103 3.93 0.99 3.98 2.08 6.28 Subindex of "Weberian" qualities of the public administration that refer to the professionalism and non-political interference in hiring of the buraucracy following Dahlstrom, Lapuente and Teorell (2011). This subindex covers questions (1), (2), (3) and (4) of the Weberian public administration index described above. (Source: Own calculation based on expert data from the Quality of Government Survey (2011) and Dahlstrom, Lapuente and Teorell (2011)).
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  27. Public sector employees strive to help citizens 103 4.28 0.93 4.59 2.25 6.00 This variable measures the goals and objectives of the public bureaucracy. It is built on comparable expert evaluations of employment-related bureaucratic structures. Each expert was asked to provide a quantitative answer in a scale from 1 (hardly ever) to 7 (almost always) to the question: To what extent would you say that public sector employees strive to help citizens? The methodology is identical to one used in the construction of the Weberian public administration index described above. (Source: Own calculation based on expert data from the Quality of Government Survey (2011) and Dahlstrom, Lapuente and Teorell (2011)).
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  28. Public sector wages Senior officials with salaries comparable to salaries of managers of private sector 103 3.18 1.02 3.13 1.33 6.00 This variable corresponds to question (8) of the Weberian public administration index described above. (Source: Own calculation based on expert data from the Quality of Government Survey (2011) and Dahlstrom, Lapuente and Teorell (2011)). Appendix A: Variable definitions and basic descriptive statistics Variable name No. Obs Mean Std. Dev. Coeff.
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  29. Putnam, R. 1993. Making Democracy Work: Civil Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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  30. Rauch, J., and P. Evans. 2000. “Bureaucratic Structure and Bureaucratic Performance in Less Developed Countries, Mimeo, UCSD.

  31. Svensson, J. 2005. “Eight Questions about Corruption,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 19(3): 1942.

  32. Targets 16 2.92 0.25 11.78 2.53 3.24 Sub-index of firm "targets in management practices" in each country. The questions included in this sub-index measure if companies set the right targets, track the right outcomes and take the appropriate action if the two are inconsistent. The subiindex is the average of five of the 18 basic management practices in the overall management practices index. (Source: Bloom and Van Reenen, 2010).
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  33. This number is calculated for all the letters. For those letters which we did not get back, we calculated this number as the number of calendar days between our cutoff date (February 4, 2012) and the date when we sent the letter. (Source: Own calculation).
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  34. This subindex covers questions (5), (6) and (7) of the Weberian public administration index described above. (Source: Own calculation based on expert data from the Quality of Government Survey (2011) and Dahlstrom, Lapuente and Teorell (2011)).
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  35. Treisman, D. 2000. “The Causes of Corruption: a Cross-National Study,” Journal of Public Economics 76(3): 399-457.

  36. Variation Min Max Definitions and sources Appendix A: Variable definitions and basic descriptive statistics Salaries of public administration workers are linked to performance 102 2.96 0.95 3.13 1.24 5.63 This variable corresponds to question (9) of the Weberian public administration index described above. (Source: Own calculation based on expert data from the Quality of Government Survey (2011) and Dahlstrom, Lapuente and Teorell (2011)).
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  37. Verba, S. and N. H. Nie. 1972. Participation in America: Political Democracy and Social Equality. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
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  38. Weber, M. 1968. Economy and Society. New York: Bedminster Press.
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