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Family Leave after Childbirth and the Health of New Mothers. (2008). Markowitz, Sara ; Chatterji, Pinka.
In: NBER Working Papers.

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  1. Does Work Make Mothers Happy?. (2019). Hamplova, Dana .
    In: Journal of Happiness Studies.

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  2. The forest and the trees: Industrialization, demographic change, and the ongoing gender revolution in Sweden and the United States, 1870-2010. (2017). Stanfors, Maria ; Goldscheider, Frances .
    In: Demographic Research.

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  3. Maternity leave and mothers long-term sickness absence: Evidence from Germany. (2014). Guertzgen, Nicole ; Hank, Karsten.
    In: ZEW Discussion Papers.

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  4. Using a quasi-natural experiment to identify the effects of birth-related leave policies on subjective well-being in Europe. (2014). D'ADDIO, Anna ; Hoherz, Andreas ; Chapple, Simon ; van Landeghem, Bert ; dAddio, Anna Cristina.
    In: OECD Journal: Economic Studies.

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  5. Effects of early maternal employment on maternal health and well-being. (2013). Markowitz, Sara ; Chatterji, Pinka ; Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne.
    In: Journal of Population Economics.

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  6. Early Maternal Employment and Family Wellbeing. (2011). Markowitz, Sara ; Chatterji, Pinka ; Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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