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- Suggested citation: Honeycutt, Todd C., and Mann, David R. “Crime and Parenthood: Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Adolescents with and Without Disabilities.†Working Paper 37. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, March 2015. Improving public well-being by conducting high-quality, objective research and surveys www.mathematica-mpr.com PRINCETON, NJ - ANN ARBOR, MI - CAMBRIDGE, MA - CHICAGO, IL - OAKLAND, CA - WASHINGTON, DC Mathematica is a registered trademark of Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
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- Wittenburg, D. C., & Loprest, P. J. (2007). Early transition experiences of transition-age child SSI recipients. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 18(3), 176–187.
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- WORKING PAPER 37 MATHEMATICA POLICY RESEARCH Martinez G., Copen, C. E., & Abma, J. C. (2011). Teenagers in the United States: Sexual activity, contraceptive use, and childbearing, 2006–2010 National Survey of Family Growth (Vital Health Statistics, series 23, no. 31). Washington, DC: National Center for Health Statistics.
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- WORKING PAPER 37 MATHEMATICA POLICY RESEARCH Zablocki, M., & Krezmien, M. P. (2012). Drop-out predictors among students with highincidence disabilities: A National Longitudinal and Transitional Study 2 analysis. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 24(1), 53–64. WORKING PAPER 37 MATHEMATICA POLICY RESEARCH About the series Policymakers and researchers require timely, accurate, evidence-based research as soon as it’s available. Further, statistical agencies need information about statistical techniques and survey practices that yield valid and reliable data. To meet these needs, Mathematica’s working paper series offers access to our most current work. For more information about this paper, contact Todd C. Honeycutt, senior researcher, at thoneycutt@mathematica-mpr.com.
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