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Túlképzés, alulképzés és bérhozam a magyar munkaerőpiacon, 1994-2002. (2004). Galasi, Peter .
In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

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  1. THE HUNGARIAN LABOUR MARKET 2007. (2007). Fazekas, Karoly.
    In: The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbooks.

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  2. Foglalkoztatás és iskolázottság Magyarországon. (2005). Varga, Júlia ; Kertesi, Gabor.
    In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

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References cited by this document

  1. Büchel, F. (2000). The effects of overeducation on productivity in Germany - the firms’ viewpoint. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 216. november.
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  2. Büchel, F. and Mertens, A. (2000). Overeducation, undereducation and the theory of career mobility. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 195. szeptember.

  3. Büchel, F. and Pollmann-Schult, M. (2001). Overeducation and skill endowments. The role of school achievement and vocational training quality. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 337. augusztus.

  4. Borghans, L. and de Grip, A. (1999). Skills and low pay: upgrading or overeducation? ROA-Research Memorandum, 1999/5E.

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  7. Chevalier, A. (2003). Measuring Over-education. Economica, Vol. 70. 509-531. o.

  8. Cohn, E. and Khan, S. P. (1995). The wage effects of overschooling revisited. Labour Economics, Vol. 2. 67-76. o.

  9. Cohn, E. and Ng, Y. C. (2000). Incidence and wage effects of overschooling and underschooling in Hong Kong. Economics of Education Review, Vol. 19. 159-168. o.

  10. Daly, M. C. and Büchel, F. and Duncan, G. J. (2000). Premiums and penalties for surplus and deficit education. Evidence from the United States and Germany Economics of Education Review, Vol. 19. 169-178. o.

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  13. Dolton, P. and Vignoles, A. (2000). The incidence and effects of overeducation in the U.S . graduate labour market Economics of Education Review, Vol. 19. 179-198. o.

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  15. Galasi Péter (2004). Valóban leértékelõdtek a felsõfokú diplomák? A munkahelyi követelmények változása és a felsõfokú végzettségû munkavállalók reallokációja Magyarországon, 1994-2002. Budapesti Munkagazdaságtani Füzetek (megjelenés alatt).
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  16. Green, F. and McIntosh, S. and Vignoles, A. (1999). ‘Overeducation’ and Skills - Clarifying the Concepts. Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper, No. 435.

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  18. Groot, W. and Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Overeducation in the labor market: a meta-analysis. Economics of Education Review, Vol. 19. 149-158. o.

  19. Hartog, J. (2000). Over-education and earnings: where are we, where should we go? Economics of Education Review, Vol. 19. 131-147. o.

  20. Kézdi Gábor (2002). Two Phases of Labor Market Transition in Hungary: Inter-Sectoral Reallocation and Skill-Biased Technological Change. Budapest Working Papers on the Labour Market 2002/3, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Human Resources, Budapest University of Economics, Budapest.
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  21. Kõrösi Gábor (1998). Labour Demand During Transition in Hungary, Budapest Working Papers on the Labour Market 1998/5, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Human Resources, Budapest University of Economics, Budapest.
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  22. Kõrösi Gábor (2000). A vállalatok munkaerõ-kereslete. Budapesti Munkagazdaságtani Füzetek, BWP. 2000/3.
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  23. Kõrösi Gábor (2002). Labour Adjustment and Efficiency in Hungary Budapest Working Papers on the Labour Market 2002/4, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Human Resources, Budapest University of Economics, Budapest.
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  24. Kertesi Gábor and Köllõ János (1995). Kereseti egyenlõtlenségek Magyarországon. MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet, Budapest, december.
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  25. Kertesi Gábor and Köllõ János (1997). Reálbérek és kereseti egyenlõtlenségek, 1986-1996. Közgazdasági Szemle, 7-8. sz.
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  26. Kertesi Gábor and Köllõ János (1999). Economic Transformation and the Return to Human Capital. Budapest Working Papers on the Labour Market 1999/6, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Human Resources, Budapest University of Economics, Budapest.
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  27. Kertesi Gábor and Köllõ János (2002). Economic Transformation and the Revaluation of Human Capital-Hungary 1986-1999. Megjelent: Grip, A. de-Van Loo, J.-Mayhew K. (szerk.): The Economics of Skills Obsolescence. Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 21. JAI, Oxford. 235-273. o.
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  34. Rubb, S. (2003). Overeducation in the labor market: a comment and re-analysis of a meta-analysis. Economics of Education Review, Vol. 22. 621-629. o.

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