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Impact of ICT access on personal activity space and greenhouse gas production: evidence from Quebec City, Canada. (2012). Eluru, Naveen ; Kreider, Tyler ; Lee-Gosselin, Martin ; Miranda-Moreno, Luis.
In: Transportation.

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  1. Activity triangles: a new approach to measure activity spaces. (2023). Fotheringham, Stewart A ; Sila-Nowicka, Katarzyna ; Demar, Urka.
    In: Journal of Geographical Systems.

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  2. Inequality in leisure mobility: An analysis of activity space segregation spectra in the Stockholm conurbation. (2023). Nijkamp, Peter ; Kourtit, Karima ; Osth, John ; Turk, Umut ; Toger, Marina.
    In: Journal of Transport Geography.

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  3. Linking Loyalty Card Data to Public Transport Data to Explore Mobility and Social Exclusion in the Older Population. (2021). Carney, Ffion.
    In: Sustainability.

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  4. Can Accessing the Internet while Travelling Encourage Commuters to Use Public Transport Regardless of Their Attitude?. (2019). McArthur, David Philip ; Hong, Jinhyun ; Livingston, Mark.
    In: Sustainability.

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  5. Using virtual accessibility and physical accessibility as joint predictors of activity-travel behavior. (2018). Lavieri, Patricia S ; Bhat, Chandra R ; Dai, Qichun.
    In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  6. Incorporating activity space and trip chaining into facility siting for accessibility maximization. (2017). Tong, Daoqin ; Li, Ran.
    In: Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.

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  7. “Nomads at last”? A set of perspectives on how mobile technology may affect travel. (2014). Fiore, Filippo Dal ; Singer, Matan E ; Salomon, Ilan ; Mokhtarian, Patricia L.
    In: Journal of Transport Geography.

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References cited by this document

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