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- Wj(Xi, Di)I{qj,Ä (z) − Acn ≤ Yi ≤ qj,Ä (z) + Acn} : z ∈ Z is also Euclidean, which together with ln n nhcn = o(1) implies the conditions required by Theorem II.37 of Pollard (1984) are met. In addition, by straightforward calculations, we know that E K (Zi − z)/h Wj(Xi, Di)I{qj,Ä (z) − Acn ≤ Yi ≤ qj,Ä (z) + Acn} 2 = E K2 (Zi − z)/h p(Xi)−j (1 − p(Xi))j−1 E h
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