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What Do We Really Know about the Employment Effects of the UKs National Minimum Wage?. (2019). Crossley, Thomas ; Brewer, Mike ; Zilio, Federico.
In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  1. Contraction under minimum wages? Operational and financial advantages of multinational subsidiaries in China. (2022). Clegg, Jeremy ; Lu, Jane Wenzhen ; Norback, Pehr-Johan ; Duanmu, Jing-Lin.
    In: International Business Review.

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  2. The distributional and employment impacts of nationwide Minimum Wage changes. (2021). Xu, Xiaowei ; Wernham, Thomas ; Waters, Tom ; Lindner, Attila ; Joyce, Robert ; Giupponi, Giulia ; Cribb, Jonathan.
    In: IFS Working Papers.

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  3. The Effects of Minimum Wage Increases in the Czech Republic. (2021). Grossmann, Jakub.
    In: Working Papers.

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  4. The Effects of Minimum Wage Increases in the Czech Republic. (2021). Grossmann, Jakub.
    In: CERGE-EI Working Papers.

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  5. Verhaltensmuster von Betrieben und Beschäftigten im Kontext des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns. (2020). Kirchmann, Andrea ; Koch, Andreas ; Bonin, Holger ; Zuhlke, Anne ; Scheu, Tobias ; Reiner, Marcel.
    In: IZA Research Reports.

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  1. A well-known result is that, in designs where the errors are within-group correlated and where a variable of interest does not vary within the group, the conventional OLS estimates of standard errors are seriously downward biased: this produces t-statistics that are too large and, accordingly, leads analysts to over-reject the null hypothesis of no treatment effect (Moulton, 1990). To the best of our knowledge, though, none of the research cited in Section 2 addresses this issue: most studies use heteroscedasticity-robust standard errors, but do not allow for any dependence between different individuals.
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  2. Allegretto, S. A., A. Dube, and M. Reich (2011). Do minimum wages really reduce teen employment ? Accounting for heterogeneity and selectivity in state panel data. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 50(2), 205–240.

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  6. As Donald and Lang (2007) observe, standard errors cannot be estimated with this approach for a two-by-two DiD design, as the second step is an exactly-identified regression, with 4 coefficients (2 time effects, 1 group effect and 1 policy effect) being estimated from 4 data points. Clearly, the same is true for other types of DiD where the second step is an exactly-identified regression. What might not be immediately clear is that this situation also holds when we apply the two-step to the unrestricted equation 10. The argument runs as All the control variables x in the equation 10 vary within-cell.
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  23. Dolton, P., C. R. Bondibene, and M. Stops (2015). Identifying the employment effect of invoking and changing the minimum wage: A spatial analysis of the UK. Labour Economics 37, 54–76.

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  28. For the variant where we estimate the impact of a 1% rise in the NMW on job retention, the amended model is: yigts = δts + αg + βgdgsωt + x igstγ + igst i = 1, ..., N; g = C, B, T, A; t = 2000, ..., 2011 and the second stage in the Donald and Lang two-step estimator is: ̂c = δts + αg + βgdcωt + c (15) c = 1, ..., 80; t = 2000, ..., 2011 where βT is the (weighted) average effect of a 1% NMW rise on the probability of remaining employed. A second concern about inference in DiD studies, as initially noted by Bertrand et al.
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  31. In our study, we define a cell as the interaction of group, year and transition-type, giving us 96 cells (4 groups, 12 years of data, and 2 transition types). The first stage regression is then: yic = x icγ + X c=1 Icc + ic (11) i = 1, ..., N; c = 1, ..., 96 where Ic is a dummy variable which identifies the c-th cell, and x are the controls that vary within-cell.18 In the second stage, the coefficients associated with the cell membership dummies c are regressed on the cell-invariant variables. In our example, this second step is: ̂c = δts + αgt + βgtdc + c (12) c = 1, ..., 96; t = 2000, ..., 2011 where dc is a dummy indicating whether the c-th cell is affected by a minimum wage uprating.
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  56. See Card, D. (1992). Using regional variation in wages to measure the effects of the federal minimum wage. Industrial & Labor Relations Review 46(1), 22–37.

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  59. Stewart, M. B. (2002). Estimating the impact of the minimum wage using geographical wage variation. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 64(supplement), 583–605.

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  62. The first concern relates to the grouped error structure. In DiD designs, the error term igts is unlikely to be iid, because an individual may have unobservable characteristics that are correlated with other individuals of the same group, or may be affected by common group shocks. In the case of these studies of the minimum wage, members of the treatment group are all located at the bottom of the wage distribution, and so it is highly plausible that they may have some common unobservable characteristics (low ability, low skills, etc.) or are influenced by the same economic shocks. A comprehensive specification of equation (1) which includes common group shocks ϕgts is: yigts = δts + αgt + βgtdgsωt + x igtsγ + ϕgts + ξigts (10) i = 1, ..., N; g = C, B, T, A; s = 0, 1; t = 2000, ..., 2011 and igts = ϕgts + ξigts.
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  63. The two-step estimator consists in retrieving estimates in two stages: in the first step, the dependent variable is regressed on dummies that identify cell membership and all the variables which vary within cells. In the second stage, the set of parameters associated with the cell membership are regressed on the variables which do not vary within cells. In the Donald and Lang (2007) two-step estimator, the concept of cell or cluster is essential: errors within a cell are allowed to be correlated, but shocks between cells are assumed to be independent.
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  64. White, H. (1980). A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroskedasticity. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 817–838.

  65. Yuen, T. (2003). The Effect of Minimum Wages on Youth Employment in Canada A Panel Study. Journal of Human Resources 38(3), 647–672.

  66. Ziliak, S. T. and D. N. McCloskey (2004). Size matters: the standard error of regressions in the American Economic Review. The Journal of Socio-Economics 33(5), 527–546.

  67. Zilio, F. (2018). Essays in the microeconometric evaluation of public policies. PhD thesis, University of Essex. A Appendix A:Inference in Difference-in-Differences with Grouped Errors A broad literature has raised concerns about the accuracy of the inference in DiD designs when using the naı̈ve estimates of the standard errors provided by OLS.
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