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- Powell, Gary and Anthony Butter...eld. (1994). Investigating the `Glass Ceiling'Phenomenon: An Empirical Study of Actual Promotions to Top Management . Academy of Management Journal, 37(1): 6886.
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- PUBLISHED ISSUES* WP-AD 2009-01 Does sex education influence sexual and reproductive behaviour of women? Evidence from Mexico P. Ortiz. February 2009.
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Pudney, Stephen and Michael Shields. (2000). Gender and Racial Discrimination in Pay and Promotion for NHS Nurses. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 62: 801-835.
Ransom, Michael and Ronald L. Oaxaca. (2005). Intra...rm Mobility and Sex Dierences in Pay. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58(2): 219237.
- Rhode, Deborah L. (2001). Un...nished Agenda: Women and the Legal Profession. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association, Commission on Women in the Profession.
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- Rossi, Alice S. (1977). A Biosocial Perspective on Parenting. Daedalus, 106: 132.
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- Spilerman, Seymour and Trond Petersen. (1999). Organizational Structure, Determinants of Promotion, and Gender Dierences in Attainment. Social Science Research, 28(2): 203227.
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Spurr, Stephen J. (1990). Sex Discrimination in the Legal Profession: A Study of Promotion.Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 43(4): 406417.
- Stewart, Lea P. and William B. Gudykunst. (1982). Dierential Factors Inuencing the Hierarchical Level and Number of Promotions of Males and Females Within an Organization. Academy of Management Journal, 25 (3): 586-597.
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Weiss, Yoram and Chaim Fershtman. (1998). Social Status and ERconomic Performance: A Survey. European Economic Review, 42: 801-820.
- Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf and Josef Zweimuller. (1997). Assignment and Unequal Promotion in Job-Ladders. Journal of Labor Economics, 15 (1): 43-71.
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- WP-AD 2009-02 Expectations and frward risk premium in the Spanish power market M.D. Furió, V. Meneu. February 2009.
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WP-AD 2009-03 Solving the incomplete markets model with aggregate uncertainty using the KrusellSmith algorithm L. Maliar, S. Maliar, F. Valli. February 2009. WP-AD 2009-04 Employee types and endogenous organizational design: an experiment A. Cunyat, R. Sloof. February 2009. WP-AD 2009-05 Quality of life lost due to road crashes P. CubÃ. February 2009.
WP-AD 2009-06 The role of search frictions for output and inflation dynamics: a Bayesian assessment M. Menner. March 2009. WP-AD 2009-07 Factors affecting the schooling performance of secondary school pupils the cost of high unemployment and imperfect financial markets L. Farré, C. Trentini. March 2009.
WP-AD 2009-23 Who moves up the career ladder? A model of gender differences in job promotions L. Escriche, E. Pons. September 2009. WP-AD 2009-24 Strategic truth and deception P. Jindapon, C. Oyarzun. September 2009. *