Bekiros S., Dhaoui A., Khraief N., 2014, “Predicting the sensitivity of trading intensity to investor sentiments and beliefs: Evidence from the French stock marketâ€, Working papers 2014-182, Ipag Business School.
- Bekiros S., Nguyen Duc Khuong, Uddin G. S., Sjo B., 2014, “Business Cycle (De)Synchronization in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis: Implications for the Euro Areaâ€, Working papers 2014-437, Ipag Business School.
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Ben Slimane F., Mehanaoui M., Kazi A.K., 2014, â€Interdependency and Spillover during the Financial Crisis of 2007 to 2009 – Evidence from High Frequency Intraday Dataâ€, Paper 126, Ipag Business School.
Bodard V., Candelon B., Carpantier J;-F., 2014, “Real Exchange rates, commodity prices and structural factors in developing countries†Working papers 2014-046, Ipag Business School.
Candelon B., Ahmed J., Straetmans S., 2014, “Predicting and Capitalizing on Stock Market Bears in the USâ€, Working Papers 2014-409, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Candelon B., Metiu N., Straetmans S., 2014, “Disentangling economic recessions and depressionsâ€, Working Papers 2014-328, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Candelon B., Tokpavi S. 2014, “A Nonparametric Test for Granger causality in Distribution with application to Financial Contagionâ€, Working Papers 2014-162, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Chaibi A., Ciupac-Ulici Maria, Gherman M.-C., 2014. “Do Recent stochastic Tools Help to Better Understand Investors’ Preference and Asset Allocation?â€, Working Papers 130, Ipag Business School.
Chaibi A., Ulici Maria, 2014. “Shock and volatility Transmissions between Bank stock Returns in Romania: Evidence from VARGARCH approachâ€, Working Papers 2014-095, Ipag Business School.
Chang T., Gupta R. (2014), Testing for Multiple Bubbles in the BRICS Stock Marketsâ€, Papers 2014, Ipag Business School.
Chikli W., Hammoudeh S., Nguyen D.K., 2014. "Volatility forecasting and risk management for commodity markets in the presence of asymmetry and long memoryâ€, Working paper 325, Ipag Business School.
Ftiti Z., Guesmi K., Teulon F., 2014. "Oil shocks and Economic Growth in OPEC countries", Working Papers 2014- 064, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
- Galbraith J.K. (1952), American Capitalism - The Concept of Countervailing Power, London: Hamish Hamilton. Galbraith J.K. (1958), The Affluent Society, New American Library.
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- Galbraith J.K. (1967), The New Industrial State, Princeton University Press.
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- Galbraith J.K. (1990), A Short History of Financial Euphoria, New York: Penguin Books. See Ipag working papers on history of economic thought : Teulon F. (2014), “Ethics, moral philosophy and Economicsâ€, Working papers 2014-288, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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Guesmi K., Fattoum S., 2014. “Measuring contagion effects between crude oil and OECD stock marketsâ€, Working Papers 2014-090, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Guesmi K., Fattoum S., 2014. “Return and Volatility transmission between oil prices and oil-exporting countriesâ€, Working Papers 2014-443, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Jammazi R., 2014. “Oil shock Transmission to Stock Market Returns: Wavelet Multivariate Markov Switching GARCH Approach", Working Papers 2014- 197, Department of Research, Ipag Business School Jammazi R., Aloui C., 2014, “Cyclical components and dual long memory in the foreign exchange rate dynamics: the Tunisian case†Working papers 2014-198, Ipag Business School.
Jawadi F., Jawadi N., Louhichi W. (2014), “Does Islamic Finance outperform Conventional Finance ? Further Evidence from the recent financial crisisâ€, Working papers 2014-279, Ipag Business School.
Kazi A.K., Mehanaoui M., Akbar F., 2014, “The shift-contagion effect of global financial crisis and the European debt crisis on OECD countriesâ€, Working Papers 2014-128, Ipag Business School.
Kazi A.K., Salloy S., 2014, “Dynamics in the correlations of the Credit Default Swaps’ G14 dealers: Are there any contagion effects due to the Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy and the global financial crisis ?â€, Working Papers 2014-237, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Lean H. H., Nguyen Duc Khuong, 2014, “Policy uncertainty and performance characteristics of sustainable investments across regions around the global financial crisis†Working papers 295, Ipag Business School.
Miniaoui H., Sayani H., Chaibi A. (2014), “The Impact of Financial Crisis on Islamic and Conventional Indices of the GCC Countries“, Working papers 2014-401, Ipag Business School.
Nguyen Duc Khuong, Jammazi R., 2014, “Responses of international stock markets to oil price surges: a regime switching perspectiveâ€, Working Papers 2014-080, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Sannajust A., 2014, “Impact of the World Financial Crisis to SMEs: The determinants of bank loan rejection in Europe and USAâ€, Working Papers 2014-327, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
See also Ipag working papers on financial crisis: Ajmi A.N., El Montasser G., Hammoudeh S., Nguyen D.K., 2014. "Oil prices and MENA stock markets: New evidence from nonlinear and asymmetric causalities during and after the crisis period", Papers 2014079, Ipag Business School.
- Teulon F. (2014), “A la recherche de Maurice Allaisâ€, Working papers 2014, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “A propos de Walras et de la théorie de l’équilibre généralâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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Teulon F. (2014), “Actualité des analyses de Joseph Schumpeterâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
- Teulon F. (2014), “Albert Hirschman (1915-2012) : l’étude des aspects non économiques de l’économieâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Amartya Sen et l’économie du bien-êtreâ€, Working papers, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Analyser la société globale : Talcott Parsons et la théorie générale des systèmes d’actionâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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Teulon F. (2014), “Avoir raison avec Raymond Aron (1905-1983)â€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
- Teulon F. (2014), “Ce que Bourdieu veut (nous) direâ€, Working Papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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Teulon F. (2014), “Ce que nous devons à James Mead (1907-1995)â€,working paper, Ipag Business School.
Teulon F. (2014), “Ce que nous devons à Paul Samuelson (1915-2009)â€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
- Teulon F. (2014), “Charles Kindleberger (1910-2003) et les dysfonctionnements de l’économie mondialeâ€, Working papers 2014, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Daniel Kahneman, un psychologue en territoire économiqueâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “De la méthode selon Karl Popperâ€, Working papers 2014, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Finn Kydland et les cycles d’affaires réelsâ€, Working papers, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Gary Becker et l’approche économique du comportement humainâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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Teulon F. (2014), “George Stigler : combat pour la déréglementationâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Teulon F. (2014), “Herbert Simon : des choix optimaux aux choix satisfaisantsâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
- Teulon F. (2014), “Jacques Rueff et la réforme du système monétaire internationalâ€, Working Papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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Teulon F. (2014), “James Tobin, père fondateur de la finance moderneâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
- Teulon F. (2014), “John Meynard Keynes : une synthèse biographique et bibliographiqueâ€, Working Papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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Teulon F. (2014), “Joseph Stiglitz : une vision désenchantée de la mondialisationâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Teulon F. (2014), “La critique de Lucas : Robert Lucas et la politique économiqueâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
- Teulon F. (2014), “La théorie de la justice selon John Rawlsâ€, Working Papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Le capitalisme libéral vu par Friedrich von Hayekâ€, Paper, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Les rapports entre l’économie et la sociologie vus par François Simiand (1873-1935)â€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Max Weber (1864-1920) : l’économie et la sociétéâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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Teulon F. (2014), “Milton Friedman (1912-2006) : une synthèse biographique et bibliographiqueâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
- Teulon F. (2014), “Monnaie et conflits selon Georg Simmel (1858-1918)â€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Paul Krugman et la nouvelle économie internationaleâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Paul Romer et la dynamique de la croissanceâ€, Working papers, Ipag Business School.
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- Teulon F. (2014), “Raymond Boudon, le principe de rationalité et l’individualisme méthodologiqueâ€, Working Papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
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Teulon F. (2014), “Relire Marx (et les marxistes !)â€, Working Papers 2014, Ipag Business School.
Teulon F. (2014), “Robert Mundell et les relations monétaires internationalesâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.
Teulon F. (2014), “Robert Solow, à la recherche des causes de croissanceâ€, Working papers 2014, Department of Research, Ipag Business School.