- 2. See, for example, Alarcon and Zepeda (2004), Berry (2007), Galli (2004) and Tokman (2007).
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- 3. Also, see Son and Kakwani (2006). 4. GDP per capita growth estimates for Brazil, Chile and Mexico in this section are calculated from GDP figures in constant US PPP dollars based on the World Banks WDI online data.
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- 5. See Soares et al. (2006) and Paes de Barro et al. (2007). 6. Informality is defined as non-professional self-account employees without registration, and domestic workers. See Table B.1 in the appendix.
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- 7. This approach diverges from the usual discussion of poverty and labour. The lowest paid workers do not necessarily belong to the poorest households. But focusing on the lowest paid workers gives a good approximation of poverty. Consider, for example, Brazil in 1992. According to household data, while only about half of the 20 per cent lowest paid workers belonged to the 20 per cent poorest households, more than 90 per cent of the workers in the lower half of the earnings distribution did belong to the 20 per cent poorest households.
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- 8. See Kakwani et al. (2004). For readers interested in more details about the distributive impact, we computed mean changes at 5 cumulative percentage points of the earnings distribution. These are available upon request from the authors. 9. This is, in a way, a dynamic version of the well know Oaxaca-Blinder procedure.
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