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The impact of the minimum wage on job separations and working hours among young people in Poland. (2015). Magda, Iga ; Baranowska-Rataj, Anna.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. .

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  2. The heterogeneous regional effects of minimum wages in Poland. (2022). Lewandowski, Piotr ; Albinowski, Maciej.
    In: Economics of Transition and Institutional Change.

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  3. Do minimum wages reduce employment in developing countries? A survey and exploration of conflicting evidence. (2021). Munguia, Luis Felipe ; Neumark, David.
    In: World Development.

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  4. The Heterogenous Regional Effects of Minimum Wages in Poland. (2020). Lewandowski, Piotr ; Albinowski, Maciej .
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  5. The heterogenous regional effects of minimum wages in Poland. (2020). Lewandowski, Piotr ; Albinowski, Maciej.
    In: IBS Working Papers.

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  6. Do Minimum Wages Reduce Employment in Developing Countries? A Survey and Exploration of Conflicting Evidence. (2019). Neumark, David ; Munguia, Luis Felipe.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  7. Minimum Wage in Estonia and its Impact on Employment and Wage Distribution. (2019). Tiwari, Amaresh K ; Eamets, Paul.
    In: ifo DICE Report.

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  8. The labor market in Poland, 2000−2016. (2018). Magda, Iga ; Lewandowski, Piotr.
    In: IZA World of Labor.

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  9. Minimum Wage Violation in Central and Eastern Europe. (2016). Lewandowski, Piotr ; Goraus, Karolina ; Goraus-Tanska, Karolina.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  10. Cross-Country Report on Minimum Wages; Selected Issues. (2016). International Monetary Fund, .
    In: IMF Staff Country Reports.

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  11. Minimum Wage Violation In Central And Eastern Europe. (2016). Lewandowski, Piotr ; Goraus, Karolina.
    In: IBS Working Papers.

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  12. The effects of minimum wage on a labour market with high temporary employment. (2015). Lewandowski, Piotr ; Kamińska, Agnieszka.
    In: IBS Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  3. Bassanini, Andrea, & Duval, Romain. (2006). The determinants of unemployment across OECD countries: Reassessing the role of policies and institutions. OECD Economic Studies, 42(1), 7. Bassanini, Andrea, & Duval, Romain. (2009). Unemployment, institutions, and reform complementarities: re-assessing the aggregate evidence for OECD countries. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(1), 40-59.

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  6. Brochu, Pierre, & Green, David A. (2013). The impact of minimum wages on labour market transitions. The Economic Journal, 123(573), 1203-1235.

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