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Implications of high-frequency trading for security markets. (2018). LINTON, OLIVER ; Mahmoodzadeh, Soheil.
In: CeMMAP working papers.

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  1. A wavelet method for panel models with jump discontinuities in the parameters. (2022). Sickles, R C ; Gualtieri, J ; Mensinger, T ; Liebl, D ; Kneip, A ; Bada, O.
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  2. Reshaping financial systems: The role of ICT in the diffusion of financial innovations – Recent evidence from European countries. (2021). Lechman, Ewa ; Marszk, Adam.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  3. Information shares and market quality before and during the European sovereign debt crisis. (2021). Papavassiliou, Vassilios ; Kinateder, Harald.
    In: Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money.

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  4. A Wavelet Method for Panel Models with Jump Discontinuities in the Parameters. (2021). Kneip, Alois ; Bada, Oualid ; Sickles, Robin C ; Gualtieri, James ; Mensinger, Tim ; Liebl, Dominik.
    In: Papers.

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  5. .

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  6. High-Frequency Trading and Systemic Risk: A Structured Review of Findings and Policies. (2020). Sánchez Serrano, Antonio ; Antonio, Sanchez Serrano.
    In: Review of Economics.

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  7. Does algorithmic trading harm liquidity? Evidence from Brazil. (2020). Perlin, Marcelo Scherer ; Ramos, Henrique Pinto.
    In: The North American Journal of Economics and Finance.

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  8. High-frequency trading: a literature review. (2019). Maria, Gianluca Piero.
    In: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management.

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  9. High frequency trading, price discovery and market efficiency in the FTSE100. (2019). Kwabi, Frank ; Leone, Vitor.
    In: Economics Letters.

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References cited by this document

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  3. Judgment day: Algorithmic trading around the Swiss franc cap removal. (2023). Breedon, Francis ; Vause, Nicholas ; Ranaldo, Angelo ; Chen, Louisa.
    In: Journal of International Economics.

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  4. Algorithmic trading: Intraday profitability and trading behavior. (2023). Arumugam, Devika.
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  5. Connectivity costs and price efficiency: An event study. (2022). Webb, Robert I ; Mollica, Vito ; Kovacevic, Ognjen ; Frino, Alex.
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  6. Prudential supervisory disclosure (PSD) with supervisory technology (SupTech): lessons from a FinTech crisis. (2021). Sancak, Ibrahim ; Zeranski, Stefan.
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  7. Big data analytics, order imbalance and the predictability of stock returns. (2021). Sensoy, Ahmet ; Corbet, Shaen ; Salari, Hajar Novin ; Gulay, Guzhan ; Akyildirim, Erdinc.
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  8. Trading fast and slow: The role of deliberation in experimental financial markets. (2021). Ploner, Matteo ; Ferri, Giovanni ; Rizzolli, Matteo.
    In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.

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  9. A Survey of Fintech Research and Policy Discussion. (2020). Jagtiani, Julapa ; Allen, Franklin ; Gu, Xian.
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  10. The optimal bid-ask price strategies of high-frequency trading and the effect on market liquidity. (2020). Ge, Hengshun ; Yang, Haijun ; Luo, Ying.
    In: Research in International Business and Finance.

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  11. Strategic Speed Choice by High-Frequency Traders under Speed Bumps. (2019). Aoyagi, Jun.
    In: ISER Discussion Paper.

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  12. Competing on Speed. (2018). PHILIPPON, Thomas ; Pagnotta, Emiliano S.
    In: Econometrica.

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  13. Сучасні тенденції електронної торгівлі обіговими фінансовими інструментами // Modern trends of electronic trading by negotiable fina. (2018). Kravchuk, Igor ; Кравчук, Ігор СвятославовиÑ, .
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  14. Implications of high-frequency trading for security markets. (2018). LINTON, OLIVER ; Mahmoodzadeh, Soheil.
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  15. Does public latency influence market quality? An analysis of pre-trade transparency at the Taiwan futures exchange. (2018). Wang, Ming-Chang ; Chou, Pang-Ying ; Ko, Chien-Chuan ; Cheng, Lee-Young.
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  16. Implications of High-Frequency Trading for Security Markets. (2018). LINTON, OLIVER ; Mahmoodzadeh, S.
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  17. A model for unpacking big data analytics in high-frequency trading. (2017). , Jonathan ; Currie, Wendy L.
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