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Econometrics of network models. (2016). de Paula, Aureo.
In: CeMMAP working papers.

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  3. Nash Equilibria on (Un)Stable Networks. (2021). Badev, Anton .
    In: Econometrica.

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  4. Three essays on individual behavior and new technologies. (2021). Husiatyski, Maciej.
    In: Other publications TiSEM.

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  5. Logical Differencing in Dyadic Network Formation Models with Nontransferable Utilities. (2020). Xu, Sheng ; Li, Ming ; Gao, Wayne Yuan.
    In: Papers.

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  6. Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions. (2019). Dupas, Pascaline ; Bhattacharya, Debopam ; Kanaya, Shin.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  7. Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions. (2019). Dupas, Pascaline ; Bhattacharya, Debopam ; Kanaya, Shin.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  8. Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions. (2019). Dupas, Pascaline ; Bhattacharya, Debopam ; Kanaya, Shin.
    In: Papers.

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  9. Identification and Estimation of a Partially Linear Regression Model using Network Data. (2019). Auerbach, Eric.
    In: Papers.

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  10. Estimation of Peer Effects in Endogenous Social Networks: Control Function Approach. (2019). Moon, Hyungsik Roger ; Johnsson, Ida.
    In: Papers.

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  11. Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions. (2019). Dupas, Pascaline ; Bhattacharya, Debopam ; Kanaya, Shin.
    In: CREATES Research Papers.

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  12. Methods to identify linear network models: a review. (2018). Malde, Bansi ; Advani, Arun.
    In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics.

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  13. Long memory via networking. (2018). Schennach, Susanne.
    In: CeMMAP working papers.

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  14. Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models under Social Interactions. (2018). Dupas, Pascaline ; Bhattacharya, Debopam ; Kanaya, S.
    In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics.

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  15. Nonparametric Identification in Index Models of Link Formation. (2018). Gao, Wayne.
    In: Papers.

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  16. An econometric model of network formation with degree heterogeneity. (2017). Graham, Bryan.
    In: CeMMAP working papers.

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  17. Nonlinear Panel Data Methods for Dynamic Heterogeneous Agent Models. (2017). Arellano, Manuel ; Bonhomme, Stephane.
    In: Annual Review of Economics.

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  18. Homophily and Transitivity in Dynamic Network Formation. (2016). Graham, Bryan.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  19. Identifying preferences in networks with bounded degree. (2016). Richards-Shubik, Seth ; de Paula, Aureo ; Tamer, Elie.
    In: CeMMAP working papers.

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  20. Homophily and transitivity in dynamic network formation. (2016). Graham, Bryan.
    In: CeMMAP working papers.

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  124. Lee, L.-F., X. Liu, and X. Lin (2010): “Specification and Estimation of Social Interaction Models with Network Structures,” Econometrics Journal, 13, 145–176.

  125. Lee, R. S., and K. Fong (2011): “Markov-Perfect Network Formation: An Applied Framework for Bilateral Oligopoly and Bargaining in Buyer-Seller Networks,” NYU Working Paper.
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  130. Manresa, E. (2013): “Estimating the Structure of Social Interactions using Panel Data,” CEMFI Working Paper.
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