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Drawing Up an Institutional Architecture. (2015). Kagan, Sharon Lynn ; Jaimovich, Analia ; Cruz-Aguayo, Yyannu ; Araujo, Caridad M.
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    In: CHILD Working Papers Series.

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  61. Nutrition, Governance and Violence: A Framework for the Analysis of Resilience and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity in Contexts of Violent Conflict. (2012). Justino, Patricia.
    In: HiCN Working Papers.

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  62. Wars and child health: Evidence from the Eritrean–Ethiopian conflict. (2012). Akresh, Richard ; Thirumurthy, Harsha ; Lucchetti, Leonardo .
    In: Journal of Development Economics.

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  63. Ethical and Economic Perspectives on Global Health Interventions. (2012). Bhalotra, Sonia ; Pogge, Thomas .
    In: The Centre for Market and Public Organisation.

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  64. The Socioeconomic Distribution of Adult Mortality during Conflicts in Africa. (2012). Filmer, Deon ; de Walque, Damien ; Damien, De Walque ; Deon, Filmer .
    In: Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy.

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  65. Assessing the Implementation and Cost of High Quality Early Care and Education: A Review of the Literature. (2002). Caronongan, Pia ; Lyskawa, Julia ; Modlin, Emily ; Boller, Kimberly ; Kirby, Gretchen .
    In: Mathematica Policy Research Reports.

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