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Estimating the Spot Covariation of Asset Prices – Statistical Theory and Empirical Evidence. (2014). Malec, Peter ; Hautsch, Nikolaus ; Bibinger, Markus ; Reiss, Markus .
In: SFB 649 Discussion Papers.

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  1. Non-Parametric Estimation of Spot Covariance Matrix with High-Frequency Data. (2020). Wang, Weining ; Mustafayeva, Konul.
    In: IRTG 1792 Discussion Papers.

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  2. A Score-Driven Conditional Correlation Model for Noisy and Asynchronous Data: an Application to High-Frequency Covariance Dynamics. (2019). Lillo, Fabrizio ; Corsi, Fulvio ; Bormetti, Giacomo ; Buccheri, Giuseppe .
    In: Papers.

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  3. Estimation of the discontinuous leverage effect: Evidence from the NASDAQ order book. (2018). Winkelmann, Lars ; Neely, Christopher ; Bibinger, Markus.
    In: IRTG 1792 Discussion Papers.

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  4. Estimation of the discontinuous leverage effect: Evidence from the NASDAQ order book. (2017). Neely, Christopher ; Winkelmann, Lars ; Bibinger, Markus.
    In: Working Papers.

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  5. Microstructure noise in the continuous case: Approximate efficiency of the adaptive pre-averaging method. (2015). Jacod, Jean ; Mykland, Per A..
    In: Stochastic Processes and their Applications.

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References cited by this document

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  46. MYKLAND, P. A. AND L. ZHANG (2008): “Inference for Volatility-Type Objects and Implications for Hedging,” Statistics and Its Interface, 1, 255–278.
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  48. The two-factor model introduced by Chernov et al. (2003) allows for more pronounced movements in the instantaneous volatility by a feedback mechanism. The corresponding parameterization is ˜ σt = s–exp(β0 + β1v1,t + β2v2,t), (41) dv1,t = α1v1,tdt+dW1,t, dv2,t = α2v2,tdt + (1 + βvv2,t) dW2,t, s–exp(u) = ( exp(u) if u ≤ u0 exp(u0) p 1 − u0 + u2/u0 else, where W1,t and W2,t are standard Brownian motions with Corr(dW1,t, dBt) = ρ1 and Corr(dW2,t, dBt) = ρ2. We consider the configuration β0 = −1.2, β1 = 0.04, β2 = 1.5, α1 = −0.137e−2, α2 = −1.386, βv = 0.25, ρ1 = ρ2 = −0.3 and u0 = ln (1.5). C Tables and Figures
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  49. ZHANG, L. (2011): “Estimating Covariation: Epps Effect and Microstructure Noise,” Journal of Econometrics, 160, 33–47.

  50. ZHANG, L., P. A. MYKLAND, AND Y. AIT-SAHALIA (2005): “A Tale of Two Time Scales: Determining Integrated Volatility With Noisy High-Frequency Data,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100, 1394–1411.

  51. ZU, Y. AND P. H. BOSWIJK (2014): “Estimating Spot Volatility with High-Frequency Financial Data,” Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming. A Proofs A.1 Preliminaries Consider the process ˜ Xt = Z t σbsh−1 n chn dBs , (25) without drift and with block-wise constant volatility as a simplified approximation of X. In the following, we distinguish between the estimator of the spot covariance matrix (12) based on oracle optimal weights (13), ˆ Σor s , and the adaptive estimator ˆ Σs. Furthermore, we write ˆ Σs( ˜ X + ) for the estimator built from observations in the simplified model in which ˜ X is observed in noise and denote the associated spectral statistics by: ˜ Sjk = πjh−1 n np X i=1 ˜ X (p) t (p) i + (p) i − ˜ X (p) t (p) i−1 − (p) i−1 !


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