- (cf. sec. 2.2.1). The corresponding formula for ~=2 is obtained by mere substitution of 2 and vi for l and y i' respectivelYI and multiplication by -1. - 49 -RarES l ef. Hendry (1971).
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- 2 Cf. Haessel (1978). 3 There is a close relationship between the two measures, however, in that they take on identical values when applied to a linear equation with intercept, estimated by OLS.
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- 3 I.e. of the Newton type but not requiring evaluation of second order derivatives. See e.g. Quandt (1983, pp. 721-722). 4 An auxiliare routine, MCIIAD, from the same library is also employed.
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- 4 ef., however, Durbin (1957).
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- 5 The linear search problem is discussed in Quandt (1983, pp. 735-737). For comparisons between Fletcher 's algorithm and the DFP, see Fletcher (1970). 6 Termination may also occur because the prespecified maximum number of function evaluations, MXFN, has been reached.
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- 8 The Cholesky factorization is in Theil (1983). An extensive proof of the stated equiva1ence Lau (1978).
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- 9 Se Si1vey (1975).
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- According to RESF3.DAT (not reprodueed) the number of function evaluations increased by 50 percent, relative to the first estimation. As an indication of the increase in general, this is somewhat on the low side. The increase is seldom higher than 60-70 percent, however. - 69 -REFERERCES Belsley, D.A., 1980, On the Ef:Eicient Computation of the Nonlinear Full-Information MaximumLikelihood Estimator , Journal of Econometric ~, 14, pp. 203-225.
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- After having been renarned i t can thus serve as an input file in the next rune This is convenient if, e. g., the optimization algorithm has been stopped before having reached the optimum, due to a too low value having been assigned to MXFN. The search can then continue from the point where it was previously terminated. - 44 -Another conceivable use of the file is to provide starting values when the stochastic specification is changed from the one assuming time-independent residuals to the one allowing them to follow a first order vector autoregression. - 45 -BarES l Cf. Berndt and Khaled (1979, p. 1228). Other generalized measures have been proposed by e.g. Carter and Nagar (1977). The advantage of Berndt's measure is that it is the only cme which is invariant to whether the structural or the reduced form of the system is considered.
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Berndt, E.R. and Khaled, M.S., 1979, Parameter Productivity Measurement and Choice Among Flexible Functional Forms, Journal of Politica ~ E~O~Omy, 81, pp. 1220-1245.
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- Derivations based on Pollock I s conventions can be found in Mellander (1984). 3 The solutions for H and X, given below, can also be found in Hendry, op.cit.
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- Durbin, J., 1970, Testing for Seria1 Corre1ation in Least Squares Regression When Some of the Regressors Are Lagged Dependent Variables, Econom~tr~ca, 38, pp. 410-421.
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- GICOF.DAT <) 1.E-lO <) 78 l 2 7 22 2 22 2 7 - 55 -EXPORT SYSTEM ACC. TO GOLDSTEIN 8< KHAN (1978). ESTIMATlON PERIOD 1960-80. 12 1 2 1 1 O -1.0 1 3 1 0.0 O 1 1.0 1 2 1 4 1 0.0 (> 1 -1. O 1 :3 1 5 1 0.0 <) 1 1.0 1 4 l :3 1 1.0 l -1. (> 1 2: 1 2 <). <) 1 O 1. (I (> 1 1.0 5 1.0 5 7 220 -1.0 2 :3 2 0.0 O 1 1.0 O l -1. O 5 6 1.0 5 7 262 o. O (> l l. (I (I l 1. O 5 7 1.0 5 7 272 0.0 O 1 1.0 (I l -1.0 5 8 1.0 5 7 292 1.0 (I (I 1.0 O 1 1. (I 5 7 l 2 l 0.0 O 1 1. O 1 :3 Notice that LP=Q since the first estimation is to be performed with B=O. Further, MXFN has been set to zero, in order to obtain a printout of the input in RESFl.DAT. As indicated by IFO (first number on the fourth line) the first row of the matrix in DATAM.DAT should be ignored.
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- Haessel, W., 1978, Heasuring Goodness of Fi t in Linear and Nonlinear Models , Southern Economic: :.._~~urnal, 44, pp. 648-652.
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- It might be remarked that the extremely high value of Berndt's generalized R2 measure~ 0.99999997, is not due to a misprinting of the formula in see. 5.3. Rather, it has been caused by the eombined effees of a short time series and a general tendeney of this measure to lie very elose to unity. fR2 :S of almost the same magnitude are reported in Berndt and Khaled (1979, p.1235)l.
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- Manual, 6:th printing, 1975. 2 Since the double precision has been implemented using the IMPLICIT statement, it can easily be eliminated if deemed unnecessary, however.
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