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The Danish Agricultural Revolution in an Energy Perspective: A Case of Development with Few Domestic Energy Sources. (2014). Sharp, Paul ; Henriques, Sofia.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. 200 years diversifying the energy mix? Diversification paths of the energy baskets of European early comers vs. latecomers. (2017). Muñoz Delgado, Beatriz ; Muoz-Delgado, Beatriz ; Rubio-Varas, Mar .
    In: Working Papers in Economic History.

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  2. The drivers of long-run CO2 emissions in Europe, North America and Japan since 1800. (2017). Henriques, Sofia ; Borowiecki, Karol.
    In: Energy Policy.

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  3. International Trade and Energy Intensity During European Industrialization, 1870–1935. (2017). Kander, Astrid ; Hagen, Sven ; Kulionis, Viktoras ; Nielsen, Hana ; Henriques, Sofia Teives ; Warde, Paul.
    In: Ecological Economics.

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  4. Just add milk: a productivity analysis of the revolutionary changes in nineteenth-century Danish dairying. (2015). Sharp, Paul ; Lampe, Markus.
    In: Economic History Review.

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  5. The Drivers of Long-run CO2 Emissions: A Global Perspective since 1800. (2014). Henriques, Sofia ; Borowiecki, Karol.
    In: Trinity Economics Papers.

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  6. The Drivers of Long-run CO2 Emissions: A Global Perspective since 1800. (2014). Henriques, Sofia ; Borowiecki, Karol.
    In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics.

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  7. The Drivers of Long-run CO2 Emissions: A Global Perspective since 1800. (2014). Henriques, Sofia ; Borowiecki, Karol.
    In: Working Papers.

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  8. Just Add Milk: A Productivity Analysis of the Revolutionary Changes in Nineteenth Century Danish Dairying. (2014). Sharp, Paul ; Lampe, Markus.
    In: Working Papers.

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  9. Just add milk: a productivity analysis of the revolutionary changes in nineteenth century Danish dairying. (2014). Sharp, Paul ; Lampe, Markus.
    In: IFCS - Working Papers in Economic History.WH.

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References cited by this document

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  3. Between conquest and independence: Real wages and demographic change in Spanish America, 1530–1820. (2012). van Zanden, Jan Luiten ; Davies, Elwyn ; Arroyo Abad, Leticia.
    In: Explorations in Economic History.

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  4. Sweet diversity: Colonial goods and the rise of European living standards after 1492. (2011). Voth, Hans-Joachim ; Hersh, Jonathan.
    In: Economics Working Papers.

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  5. Real wages at the Cape of Good Hope: A long-term perspective, 1652-1912. (2011). de Zwart, Pim .
    In: Working Papers.

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  6. African Real Wages in Asian Perspective, 1880-1940. (2011). Frankema, Ewout ; van Waijenburg, Marlous .
    In: Working Papers.

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  7. The Changing Shape of Global Inequality - exploring a new dataset. (2011). van Zanden, Jan Luiten ; van Leeuwen, Bas ; Földvári, Péter ; Baten, Joerg ; Foldvari, Peter.
    In: Working Papers.

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  8. Testable implications of economic revolutions: An application to historic data on European wages. (2011). Fry, John ; Masood, Omar .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  9. Evolution or revolution? a study of price and wage volatility in England, 1200-1900. (2011). Fry, John ; Casson, Catherine .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  10. Incentives in Merchant Empires: Portuguese and Dutch Labor Compensation. (2011). Rei, Claudia.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  11. Technology and the Great Divergence. (2011). Allen, Robert.
    In: Economics Series Working Papers.

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  12. American Incomes before and after the Revolution. (2011). Williamson, Jeffrey ; Lindert, Peter.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  13. Different Paths to the Modern State in Europe: The interaction between domestic political economy and interstate competition. (2011). Pamuk, Sevket ; Karaman, Kıvanç ; K. Kivanç Karaman & Sevket Pamuk, .
    In: Europe in Question Discussion Paper Series of the London School of Economics (LEQs).

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  14. Malthus was right: new evidence from a time-varying VAR. (2010). Sarferaz, Samad ; Rathke, Alexander.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  15. The economic consequences of population and urbanization growth in Italy: from the 13th century to 1900. A discussion on the Malthusian dynamics. (2010). Chiarini, Bruno.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  16. Four Centuries of British Economic Growth: The Roles of Technology and Population. (2010). Madsen, Jakob ; Banerjee, Rajabrata ; Ang, James.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  17. The historical relationship between inflation and political rebellion, and what it might teach us about neoliberalism. (2010). Cohen, Joseph ; Linton, April .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  18. Four centuries of British economic growth: the roles of technology and population. (2010). Madsen, Jakob ; Banerjee, Rajabrata ; Ang, James.
    In: Journal of Economic Growth.

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  19. The political economy of expulsion: the regulation of Jewish moneylending in medieval England. (2010). Koyama, Mark.
    In: Constitutional Political Economy.

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  20. The population history of Germany: research strategy and preliminary results. (2010). Pfister, Ulrich ; Fertig, Georg .
    In: MPIDR Working Papers.

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  21. Switzerland.s Rise to a Wealthy Nation: Competition and Contestability as Key Success Factors. (2009). Weder, Beatrice.
    In: WIDER Working Paper Series.

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  22. The old poor law : resource constraints and demographic regimes. (2009). Ó Gráda, Cormac ; Kelly, Morgan ; Grada, Cormac .
    In: Working Papers.

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  23. The political dimension of inequality during economic development. (2009). Cogneau, Denis.
    In: Working Papers.

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  24. The Three Horsemen of Growth: Plague, War and Urbanization in Early Modern Europe. (2009). Voigtländer, Nico ; Voth, Hans-Joachim ; Voigtlander, Nico.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  25. Ottoman State Finances in Comparative European Perspective, 1500-1914. (2009). Pamuk, Sevket ; Karaman, Kıvanç.
    In: Working Papers.

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  26. Commercialisation, Factor Prices and Technological Progress in the Transition to Modern Economic Growth. (2008). Proto, Eugenio ; Ghosal, Sayantan ; Broadberry, Stephen.
    In: The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS).

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  27. The usury doctrine and urban public finances in late-medieval Flanders (1220 - 1550): rentes (annuities), excise taxes, and income transfers from the poor to the rich. (2008). Munro, John.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  28. Recent Developments In The Theory Of Very Long Run Growth : A Historical Appraisal. (2007). Broadberry, Stephen.
    In: The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS).

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  29. How Prosperous were the Romans? Evidence from Diocletian`s Price Edict (301 AD). (2007). Allen, Robert.
    In: Economics Series Working Papers.

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  30. Wages, Prices, and Living Standards in China, Japan, and Europe, 1738-1925. (2007). Allen, Robert ; Moll-Murata, Christine ; Bassino, Jean-Pascal ; van Zanden, Jan Juiten ; Ma, Debin.
    In: Economics Series Working Papers.

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  31. Pessimism Preserved: Real Wages in the British Industrial Revolution. (2007). Allen, Robert.
    In: Economics Series Working Papers.

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  32. GDP per capita or Real Wages? Making sense of coflicting views on pre-industrial Europe. (2007). Angeles, Luis.
    In: Working Papers.

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  33. The Development of Cities in Italy 1300 – 1861. (2007). Garretsen, Harry ; Brakman, Steven ; Bosker, Maarten ; Schramm, Marc ; de Jong, Herman .
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  34. Endogenous Trade Policy: Political Struggle in the Growth Process. (2006). Sugimoto, Yoshiaki .
    In: ISER Discussion Paper.

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  35. Was malthus right? a var analysis of economic and demographic interactions in pre-industrial England. (2006). Nicolini, Esteban.
    In: IFCS - Working Papers in Economic History.WH.

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  36. The Economy of the Early Roman Empire. (2006). Temin, Peter.
    In: Journal of Economic Perspectives.

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  37. Endogenous Globalization and Income Divergence. (2005). Sugimoto, Yoshiaki.
    In: Development and Comp Systems.

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  38. The tortoise and the hare : economic growth in Britain and the Netherlands c.1500-1800. (2005). Ó Gráda, Cormac.
    In: Working Papers.

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  39. You take the high road and I’ll take the low road : economic success and wellbeing in the longer run. (2005). Ó Gráda, Cormac.
    In: Working Papers.

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  40. Builders Wages in Southern England and the Southern Low Countries, 1346 -1500:A Comparative Study of Trends in and Levels of Real Incomes. (2005). Munro, John.
    In: Working Papers.

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  41. The Costs of Doing Hard Time: A penitentiary-based regional price index for Canada, 1883-1923. (2005). Minns, Chris ; MacKinnon, Mary.
    In: Trinity Economics Papers.

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  42. The Costs of Doing Hard Time: A penitentiary-based regional price index for Canada, 1883-1923. (2005). Minns, Chris ; MacKinnon, Mary.
    In: Trinity Economics Papers.

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  43. Capital Accumulation, Technological Change, and the Distribution of Income during the British Industrial Revolution. (2005). Allen, Robert.
    In: Economics Series Working Papers.

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  44. Globalisation, inequality and Swedish catch up in the late nineteenth century. Williamson’s real wage comparisons under scrutiny. (2005). Larsson, Svante.
    In: Göteborg Papers in Economic History.

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  45. Political Predation and Economic Development. (2005). Biais, Bruno ; Bates, Robert ; Azam, Jean-Paul.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  46. The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutioanl Change and Economic Growth. (2003). Robinson, James ; Johnson, Simon ; Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: Working papers.

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  47. From Malthus to Ohlin: Trade, Growth and Distribution Since 1500. (2002). Williamson, Jeffrey ; O'Rourke, Kevin.
    In: CEG Working Papers.

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  48. The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional Change and Economic Growth. (2002). Robinson, James ; Johnson, Simon ; Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  49. From Malthus to Ohlin: Trade, Growth and Distribution Since 1500. (2002). Williamson, Jeffrey ; O'Rourke, Kevin.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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