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- i) Doz, Giannone, and Reichlin (2011) have shown that (see Lemma 2 in their Appendix): 1 N p D D “ O ˆ 1 N ˙ ` OP ˆ 1 ? T ˙ We can thus write: p D “ D ` Op1q ` OP N ? T . As all the terms of D tend to infinity linearly with N, we thus obtain p D “ OP pNq.
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- ii) Doz, Giannone, and Reichlin (2011) have also shown in the same lemma that: N p D1 D1 “ O ˆ 1 N ˙ ` OP ˆ 1 ? T ˙ We can thus write: p D1 “ D1 ` O ` 1 N2 ˘ ` OP 1 N ? T . As all the terms of D tend to infinity linearly with N, we thus obtain p D1 “ OP ` 1 N ˘ .
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- To prove our theorem, we use properties which have been obtained by Doz, Giannone, and Reichlin (2011) under their set of assumptions or which can be easily derived from properties which they have stated. In particular, we use the following properties. Preliminary properties (PCA properties) i) p D “ OP pNq ii) p D1 “ OP ` 1 N ˘ iii) X1X T 1 “ OP p1q Proof.
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