- (2010); Costas & Kärreman (2013); Korschun & Du (2013); Acquier et al.
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- (2010); Johansen & Nielsen (2011); Creed, Scully, & Austin (2012); Korschun & Du Works relying on an explicit sensemaking–sensegiving framework and/or terminology: Sonenshein (2006); Sonenshein et al. (2014); Sonenshein (2016); Onkila & Siltaoja (2017); Babu et al. (2020) Examples of works relying on other conceptual frameworks to approach actors’ attempts to influence meaning creation of others: Andersson & Bateman (2000); Scully & Segal (2002); Bansal (2003); HowardGrenville (2006); Collier & Esteban (2007); Kemp et al. (2010); Creed et al. (2012) Works relying on an explicit sensemaking–sensegiving framework and/or terminology: Babu et al. (2020) Examples of works relying on other conceptual frameworks to approach actors’ attempts to influence meaning creation of others: Vlachos, Theotokis, & Panagopoulos (2010); Vlachos, Panagopoulos, Bachrach, & Morgeson (2017); Edinger-Schons et al.
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- (2013); Briscoe, Chin, & Hambrick (2014); Alt & Craig (2016); Girschik (2018); OpokuDakwa & Rupp (2019); Sendlhofer (2020) CUSTOMER CSR SENSEGIVING Works relying on an explicit sensemaking–sensegiving framework and/or terminology: Scheidler & Edinger-Schons (2020) Examples of works relying on other conceptual frameworks to approach actors’ attempts to influence meaning creation of others: Delmas & Toffel (2004); Johansen & Nielsen (2011); Grappi, Romani, & Bagozzi (2013); Korschun & Du (2013); Sweetin, Knowles, Summey, & McQueen (2013); Boyd, McGarry, & Clarke (2016); Karaosmanoglu, Altinigne, & Isiksal (2016); Neville & Menguc (2006); Russel, Russel, & Honea (2016); Gollnhofer, Weijo, & Schouten (2019); Lee, Zhang, & Abitbol (2019); Lim & Shim (2019); Chu, Chen, & Gan (2020); Okazaki et al. (2020) Works relying on an explicit sensemaking–sensegiving framework and/or terminology: /
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- (2013); Korschun & Du (2013); OpokuDakwa & Rupp (2019) Works relying on an explicit sensemaking–sensegiving framework and/or terminology: /
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- (2014); Iivonen & Moisander (2015); Reinecke & Ansari (2015); Moosmayer & Davis (2016); Scandelius & Cohen (2016); van der Heijden & Cramer (2017); Skilton & Purdy (2017); Yang et al. (2019); Schoeneborn et al. (2020); Sorour, Boadu, & Soobaroyen (in press) Examples of works relying on other conceptual frameworks to approach actors’ attempts to influence meaning creation of others: Korschun & Du (2013); Crilly, Zollo & Hansen (2012); Lee (2016); Christensen et al.
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- (2019); Lee & Tao (2020); Plewa, Conduit, Quester, & Johnson (2015) Works relying on an explicit sensemaking–sensegiving framework and/or terminology: Babu et al. (2020) Examples of works relying on other conceptual frameworks to approach actors’ attempts to influence meaning creation of others: Vlachos et al. (2017); Vock, van Dolen, & Kolk (2014); Winkler, Brown, & Finegold (2019)
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- (2019); Schoeneborn, Morsing, & Crane (2020) Examples of works relying on other conceptual frameworks to approach actors’ attempts to influence meaning creation of others: Cook & Seith (1992); Bansal (2003); Howard-Grenville (2006); Kemp et al.
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- (2020); Glozer & Morsing (2020) EMPLOYEE CSR SENSEGIVING Works relying on an explicit sensemaking–sensegiving framework and/or terminology: Sonenshein, DeCelles, & Dutton (2014); Sonenshein (2016); Babu, De Roeck, & Raineri (2020) Examples of works relying on other conceptual frameworks to approach actors’ attempts to influence meaning creation of others: Andersson & Bateman (2000); Scully & Segal (2002); Bansal (2003); Neville & Menguc (2006); Howard-Grenville (2006); Kemp et al.
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- Examples of works relying on other conceptual frameworks to approach actors’ attempts to influence meaning creation of others: Johansen & Nielsen (2011); Grappi et al.
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- Examples of works relying on other conceptual frameworks to approach actors’ attempts to influence meaning creation of others: Korschun & Du (2013); Grappi et al. (2013); Skarmeas & Leonidou (2013); Walsh & Bartikowski (2013); Lacey, Kennett-Hensel, & Manolis (2015); Xie, Bagozzi, & Grønhaug (2015); Boyd et al. (2016); Karaosmanoglu et al. (2016); Kollat & Farache (2017); Dunn & Harness (2018, 2019); Choi et al. (2019); Edinger‐Schons et al. (2019); Gollnhofer et al. (2019); Lim & Shim (2019); Xie, Bagozzi, & Grønhaug (2019); Chu et al. (2020); Okazaki et al. (2020) Works relying on an explicit sensemaking–sensegiving framework and/or terminology: /
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