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GDP and the Value of Family Caretaking: How Much Does Europe Care?. (2011). Piccoli, Luca ; Mangiavacchi, Lucia ; Giannelli, Gianna Claudia.
In: Post-Print.

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  1. Historical patterns of unpaid work in Europe: NTTA results by age and gender. (2019). Istenic, Tanja ; Vargha, Lili ; Seme, Ana ; Sambt, Joze.
    In: Vienna Yearbook of Population Research.

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  2. Making Implicit Assumptions Explicit in the Costing of Informal Care: The Case of Head and Neck Cancer in Ireland. (2017). Osullivan, Eleanor ; Balfe, Myles ; Maguire, Rebecca ; Hanly, Paul ; Sharp, Linda.
    In: PharmacoEconomics.

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  3. Valuing Informal Care in Ireland: Beyond the Traditional Production Boundary. (2017). Hanly, Paul ; Sheerin, Corina.
    In: The Economic and Social Review.

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  4. Household production and consumption over the life cycle: National Time Transfer Accounts in 14 European countries. (2017). Vargha, Lili ; Crosby-Nagy, Michelle O ; Gal, Robert Ivan .
    In: Demographic Research.

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  5. Do Parents Drink Their Childrens Welfare? A Joint Analysis of Intra-Household Allocation of Time. (2013). Piccoli, Luca ; Mangiavacchi, Lucia ; Giannelli, Gianna Claudia.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  3. Anxo, D., Flood, L., Mencarini, L., Pailhé, A., Solaz, A. and Tanturri, M. (2007) Time Allocation between Work and Family over the Life-Cycle: A Comparative Gender Analysis of Italy, France, Sweden and the United States, IZA Discussion Papers.

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