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Renewable Energy Law and Auctions in Vietnam. (2019). Ha-Duong, Minh ; To, Ngo.
In: CIRED Working Papers.

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  1. Brand meaning and institutional work: The light and dark sides of service employee practices. (2022). Westberg, Kate ; Karpen, Ingo Oswald ; Tierney, Kieran D.
    In: Journal of Business Research.

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  1. • Raise RE share in power generation to 38% in 2020, 32% in 2030 and 43% in 2050. Other quantified goals for solar water heating, biogas, advanced cookstove, biofuel, wind power and solar power.
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  2. • Raise RE share in total primary energy consumption to 31% in 2020, 32.2% in 2030 and 44% in 2050.
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  3. • Renewable Portfolio Standard minimum 3% in 2020, 10% in 2030 and 20% in 2050 for both generation companies and distribution company.
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  4. 1. European Parliament & Council of the European Union. Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. OJ L 328/82-209 (2018).
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  5. 16/2017/TT-BCT on mechanism on encouragement of solar power development of Vietnam.
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  6. 2. Liu, J. China’s renewable energy law and policy: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 99, 212–219 (2019). 3. Nguyễn Việt Hà & Nguyễn Hồng Hải. Vietnam. in The Renewable Energy Law Review (ed.
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  7. 4. McCarthy, N. & Henderson, H. The Role of Renewable Energy Laws in Expanding Energy from Non-Traditional Renewables. 32 (Inter-American Development Bank, Office of Strategic Planning and Development Effectiveness, 2014).

  8. 5. Renewables 2018 Global Status Report. (UN Environment, 2018).
    Paper not yet in RePEc: Add citation now
  9. 6. Ottinger, R. L. et al. UNEP guide for energy efficiency and renewable energy laws. (2016).
    Paper not yet in RePEc: Add citation now
  10. 7. Ayşegül Özdemir. Turkey’s Law on Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for the the purpose of generating energy. Ankara bar review 2, 48–55 (2008).
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  11. 8. Ghazali, F. B. Renewable energy law and policy in Malaysia: a critical analysis. (International Islamic University Malaysia, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, 2018).
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  12. 9. Republic of Korea. Act 12296 on the promotion of the development, use and diffusion of new and renewable energy. (2004).
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  13. By the end of 2018, there were about 200 MW of wind power installed, including 99.2 MW of the Bac Lieu project which had a special FiT rate of 9.8 US cent/kWh and other wind projects which also got support in kind from Government. While investor initially applied for approval of planning, most did not invest within 8 years. Decision 39/2018/QD-TTg revised up the FiT for onshore wind energy to 8.5 US cents/kWh and FiT for offshore wind energy at 9.8 US cents/kWh. In the context of declining technology costs, this has been attractive. By May 2019, the pipeline counted 264 MWp operational, 305 MWp under construction, and 693 MWp groundbreaking.
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  14. Decision 2068/2015/QĐ-TTg: Vietnam’s Renewable Energy Development Strategy until 2030 with a vision to 2050 Circular 06/2016/TT-BCT and 32/2014/TT-BCT regulating procedures on establishment and application of avoidable cost tariff schedule and promulgation of specimen PPA to small hydropower plants.
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  15. Decision 24/2014/QĐ-TTg specified the support regime for projects of Combined Heat Power Technology at the price of 1 220 VND/kWh (not including VAT, equivalent to 5.8 US cent/kWh) and avoided cost tariff for other technologies. In May 2019, about 300 MW of bagasse biomass power generation was installed. The tariff was not effective outside sugar plants. Most rice husks projects initially announced have been canceled or suspended.
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  16. Decision 37/2011/QD-TTg introduced the FiT mechanism for wind energy at 7.8 US cent/kWh.
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  17. Decision 39/2018/QD-TTg by Prime Minister amending Decision 37/2011/QD-TTg and Circular 32/2012/TT-BCT on provision of assistance in development of wind power projects in Vietnam.
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  18. Decision 428/2016/QD-TTg: Revised National Power Development Plan in 2011-2020 with vision to 2030 Decision 11/2017/QD-TTg by Prime Minister and Circular No.
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  19. National Climate Change Strategy (2011): Hydropower plants’ capacity reaches 20,000–22,000 MW ; Increase the share of new and renewable energies to 5% of the total commercial primary energies (increase to 11% by 2050) Decision 1939 (2012) Green Growth Strategy: Reduce GHG emissions from energy activities by 10% to 20% compared to the business as usual case by 2020 against a 2010 baseline. Reduce GHG emissions in energy activities by 20 to 30% compared to business as usual by 2030 against a 2010 baseline Resolution 24 (2013): Transform the structure of energy use towards increasing the proportion of renewable energy, new energy to 5% of total primary commercial energy Decision 2068 (2015) Renewable Energy Development Strategy: • Reduce GHG emission in energy activities by 5% in 2020, 25% in 2030 and 45% in 2050 compared to BAU.
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  20. None found Decision 177/2007: Ethanol and vegetable oil output will reach 1.8 million tons, satisfying some 5% of the whole country's gasoline and oil demand by 2025 Decision 1855/2007 on National Energy Development Strategy up to 2020: Increase the proportion of new and renewable energies to about 3% of the total amount of commercial primary energy by 2010; about 5% by 2020 and 11% by 2050.
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  21. Notes: Observations are for end of 2017. Counts include sub-national policies even where no national policy exists. Counts include policies in renewable heating and cooling technologies. Support policies include both legislative and executive levels. Lower and upper middle income country groups have similar percentages and are therefore merged.
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  22. Notes: Prices are nominal; higher values for onshore wind in 2017-18 result from the United Kingdom’s contracts for difference (CfD) auction, and in 2021 are associated with a delayed project from the Jordanian auction held in 2014. 24 Text 1: The Vietnam FiT story: success and limits Source: Authors. Currently, Vietnam applies feed-in-tariff (FiT) policy for wind21 , solar energy13 and avoided cost mechanism for biomass22 , small hydropower23 . These are typical cases that clearly show the impact of the policy on the renewable energy investment environment.
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  23. Table 3: Table of contents of Turkey renewable energy law Government of Turkey, 2005. Act No. 5346 on Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for the Purposes of Generating Electrical Energy18 .

  24. The solar FiT was introduced in 2017 at a level that attracted investors in droves. Decision 11/2017/QD-TTg laid out how independent power producers could apply for the FiT and set a tariff of 2 086 VND/kWh (fixed at 9.35 US cent/kWh) for 20-years power purchase agreements.
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  25. Yes 18 32% 28 26% Reductions in sales, energy, CO2, VAT or other taxes Yes 30 54% 54 50% Energy production payment No 9 16% 16 15% Public investment, loans, grants, capital subsidies or rebates Yes 39 70% 60 56% Source: Authors. Data from REN21 2018 report data pack, Table 2 Renewable Energy Support Policies.
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