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Fiscal Federalism in Russia: Soft Budget Constraints of Regional Governments. (2006). Трунин, Илья ; Sinelnikov-Murylev, Sergey ; Kadochnikov, Pavel.
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  1. Revenues and expenditures of Russian regional budgets: Granger causality analysis. (2023). Krasnopeeva, Natalia.
    In: Applied Econometrics.

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  2. Fiscal Decentralization and Incentives of Local Authorities in the Russian Federation. (2021). Bukharsky, Vladislav V.
    In: Finansovyj žhurnal — Financial Journal.

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  3. Soft budget constraints, European Central Banking and the financial crisis. (2016). Jäger, Jannik ; Grigoriadis, Theocharis ; Jager, Jannik .
    In: Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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