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Silver Buckshot or Bullet: Is a Future “Energy Mix” Necessary?. (2018). , Tom ; Blees, Tom ; Brook, Barry W ; Hong, Sanghyun.
In: Sustainability.

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  1. Strategic Planning of Oil and Gas Companies: The Decarbonization Transition. (2022). Rutenko, Evgeniya ; Cherepovitsyn, Alexey.
    In: Energies.

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  2. Energy and Climate Policy—An Evaluation of Global Climate Change Expenditure 2011–2018. (2020). Connolly, Ronan ; Quinn, Gerre ; Ohaiseadha, Coilin ; Soon, Willie.
    In: Energies.

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  3. Internet of Energy (IoE) and High-Renewables Electricity System Market Design. (2019). Fomina, Alena ; Streimikiene, Dalia ; Strielkowski, Wadim ; Semenova, Elena.
    In: Energies.

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  4. At the crossroads: An uncertain future facing the electricity‐generation sector in South Korea. (2018). Hong, Sanghyun ; Brook, Barry W.
    In: Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies.

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References cited by this document

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  67. Qvist S.A.; Brook B.W. Environmental and health impacts of a policy to phase out nuclear power in Sweden. Energy Policy 2015, 84, 1-10.

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  91. Zweibel K.; Mason J.; Fthenakis V. A solar grand plan. Sci. Am. 2008, 298, 64-73.
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