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Income growth and gender bias in childhood mortality in developing countries:. (2007). Ueyama, Mika .
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  1. Cookstove implementation and Education for Sustainable Development: A review of the field and proposed research agenda. (2021). Lindgren, Samantha.
    In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

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  2. Gender Differences in Preferences, Intra-Household Externalities, and Low Demand for Improved Cookstoves. (2013). Mobarak, Ahmed ; Miller, Grant.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  36. Intra-Household Redistribution of Income and Calorie Consumption in South-Western Nigeria. (2004). Aromolaran, Adebayo B..
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  37. Dowry and Intrahousehold Bargaining: Evidence from China. (2003). Brown, Phil.
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  38. Control and ownership of assets within rural Ethiopian households. (2001). Quisumbing, Agnes ; Fafchamps, Marcel.
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  39. An evaluation of the impact of PROGRESA on pre-school child height. (2001). Hoddinott, John ; Behrman, Jere.
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  40. The family as producer of health -- an extended grossman model. (2000). Jacobson, Lena.
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  41. Female Education and Child Mortality in Indonesia. (1999). Cameron, Lisa ; Mellington, Nicole.
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  42. Charitable Giving by Married Couples: Who Decides and Why Does it Matter?. (1999). Andreoni, James ; Brown, Eleanor ; Rischall, Isaac C..
    In: Department of Economics Working Papers.

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  43. Charitable giving by married couples : who decides and why does it matter?. (1999). Andreoni, James ; Brown, E. ; Rischall, I..
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  44. New approaches to children and development: Introduction and overview. (1996). Edwards, Michael.
    In: Journal of International Development.

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  45. Education and health in sub-Saharan Africa. (1996). Hoddinott, John ; Appleton, Simon ; Mackinnon, John .
    In: Journal of International Development.

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  46. Womens autonomy and its impact on fertility. (1996). Abadian, Sousan.
    In: World Development.

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  47. Public policy and anthropometric outcomes in the Cote dIvoire. (1996). Thomas, Duncan ; Strauss, John ; Lavy, Victor.
    In: Journal of Public Economics.

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  48. Collective Models of Family Behaviour: Implications for Economic Policy. (1996). Phipps, Shelley ; Burton, Peter.
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  49. Economics and Well-Being of Canadian Children. (). Phipps, Shelley.
    In: Canadian International Labour Network Working Papers.

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  50. Charitable Giving by Married Couples: Who Decides and Why Does it Matter?. (). Andreoni, James ; Brown, Eleanor ; Rischall, Isaac C..
    In: Canadian International Labour Network Working Papers.

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