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Wood, Stanley, K. Sebastian, F. Nachtergaele, D. Nielsen, and A. Dai. 1999. Spatial aspects of the design and targeting of agricultural development strategies. Environment and Production Technology Division Discussion Paper No. 44. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.
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You, L. and S. Wood. 2006. An entropy approach to spatial disaggregation of agricultural production. Agricultural Systems Vol.90, Issues 1-3 p.329-347.
Zhang, X. and S. Fan, 2001. Estimating crop-specific production technologies in Chinese agriculture: a generalized maximum entropy approach. American Journal ofAgricultural Economics 83(2): 378-388. RECENT IFPRI DISCUSSION PAPERS For earlier discussion papers, please go to wwwJfprLorq/pubs/pubs.htm#dp. All discussion papers can be downloaded for free.