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Theory and practice of GVAR modeling. (2014). Pesaran, M ; Chudik, Alexander.
In: Globalization Institute Working Papers.

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  3. Market structure and credit procyclicality: Lessons from loan markets in the European Union banking sectors. (2020). Szafrański, Grzegorz ; Pawłowska, Małgorzata ; Kouretas, Georgios ; Szafraski, Grzegorz ; Pawowska, Magorzata.
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  5. The Impact of Weather on Commodity Prices: A Warning for the Future. (2019). Marini, Annalisa.
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  7. Inflation Convergence In East African Countries. (2017). Nguyen, Anh ; Dridi, Jemma.
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  11. Determinants of global spillovers from US monetary policy. (2016). Georgiadis, Georgios.
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  12. Does joint modelling of the world economy pay off? Evaluating global forecasts from a Bayesian GVAR. (2016). Huber, Florian ; Feldkircher, Martin ; Dovern, Jonas.
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  14. Assessing the efficacy of borrower-based macroprudential policy using an integrated micro-macro model for European households. (2016). Gross, Marco ; Poblacion, Francisco Javier .
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  15. Modelling Portfolio Capital Flows in a Global Framework: Multilateral Implications of Capital Controls. (2016). Taylor, Mark ; Mandalinci, Zeyyad ; Boero, Gianna.
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  16. Fair Weather or Foul? The Macroeconomic Effects of El Niño. (2015). Mohaddes, Kamiar ; Cashin, Paul ; Raissi, Mehdi.
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  17. Fair weather or foul? the macroeconomic effects of El Niño. (2015). Raissi, Mehdi ; Mohaddes, Kamiar ; Cashin, Paul.
    In: Globalization Institute Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  30. Chudik, A., V. Grossman, and M. H. Pesaran (2014). Nowcasting and forecasting global growth with purchasing managers indices. Mimeo, January 2014.
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  11. On Markov error-correction models, with an application to stock prices and dividends. (2004). Spagnolo, Fabio ; Sola, Martin ; Psaradakis, Zacharias.
    In: Journal of Applied Econometrics.

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  12. Testing parameter constancy in stationary vector autoregressive models against continuous change. (2004). Teräsvirta, Timo ; Gonzalez, Andres ; He, Changli.
    In: SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance.

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  13. Least Squares Estimation and Tests of Breaks in Mean and Variance under Misspecification. (2003). Pitarakis, Jean-Yves.
    In: Econometrics.

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  14. Guns or Butter? Revisited: Robustness and Nonlinearity Issues in the Defense-Grotwth Nexus. (2003). Reitschuler, Gerhard ; Crespo Cuaresma, Jesus.
    In: Vienna Economics Papers.

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  15. Are Rich Countries Immune to the Resource Curse? Evidence from Norways Management of Its Oil Riches. (2003). Larsen, Erling Roed.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  16. The less volatile U.S. economy: a Bayesian investigation of timing, breadth, and potential explanations. (2003). Piger, Jeremy ; Nelson, Charles ; Kim, Chang-Jin.
    In: Working Papers.

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  17. Bootstrapping Macroeconometric Models. (2003). Fair, Ray.
    In: Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers.

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  18. TESTING FOR PERIODIC STATIONARITY. (2002). Kurozumi, Eiji.
    In: Econometric Reviews.

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  19. Testing for Indeterminacy in Linear Rational Expectations Models. (2002). Schorfheide, Frank ; Lubik, Thomas.
    In: Computing in Economics and Finance 2002.

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  20. Does Intrinsic Habit Formation Actually Resolve the Equity Premium Puzzle?. (2002). Chapman, David.
    In: Review of Economic Dynamics.

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  21. Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices: A Macro or Micro Phenomenon?. (2002). Goldberg, Linda ; Campa, Jose.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  22. Exchange rate pass-through into import prices: a macro or micro phenomenon?. (2002). Goldberg, Linda ; Campa, Jose.
    In: Staff Reports.

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  23. On the causes of the increased stability of the U.S. economy. (2002). Perez Quiros, Gabriel ; Kahn, James ; Perez-Quiros, Gabriel ; McConnell, Margaret M..
    In: Economic Policy Review.

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  24. Forecast-based model selection in the presence of structural breaks. (2002). McCracken, Michael ; Clark, Todd.
    In: Research Working Paper.

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  25. Differences in exchange rate pass-through in the euro area.. (2002). Campa, Jose ; Gonzalez, Jose M..
    In: IESE Research Papers.

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  26. Exchange rate pass-through into import prices: A macro or micro phenomenon?. (2002). Goldberg, Linda ; Campa, Jose.
    In: IESE Research Papers.

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  27. Corporate Bond Spreads and the Business Cycle. (2002). Zhang, Zhiwei.
    In: Staff Working Papers.

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  28. Testing for a Forward-Looking Phillips Curve. Additional Evidence from European and US data. (2001). LE BIHAN, Hervé ; Jondeau, Eric.
    In: Macroeconomics.

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  29. The Regime-Dependent Determination of Credibility: A New Look at European Interest Rate Differentials. (2001). Tillmann, Peter.
    In: IWP Discussion Paper Series.

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  30. The non-linear dynamics of output and unemployment in the U.S.. (2001). Violante, Giovanni ; Altissimo, Filippo .
    In: Journal of Applied Econometrics.

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  31. A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Detect the Number of Regimes in Markov Switching Models. (2001). Otranto, Edoardo ; Gallo, Giampiero.
    In: Econometrics Working Papers Archive.

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  32. Information technology and the U.S. productivity revival: what do the industry data say?. (2001). Stiroh, Kevin.
    In: Staff Reports.

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  33. Measuring the natural rate of interest. (2001). Williams, John ; Laubach, Thomas.
    In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series.

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  34. Testing for Structural Change in the Presence of Auxiliary Models. (2001). Guay, Alain ; Ghysels, Eric.
    In: Cahiers de recherche CREFE / CREFE Working Papers.

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  35. The New Econometrics of Structural Change: Dating Breaks in U.S. Labour Productivity. (2001). Hansen, Bruce.
    In: Journal of Economic Perspectives.

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  36. Structural Breaks in the Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Model. (2000). Hansen, Peter.
    In: Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers.

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  37. Tests of Equal Forecast Accuracy and Encompassing for Nested Models. (2000). McCracken, Michael ; Clark, Todd.
    In: Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers.

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  38. Structural Changes in the Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Model. (2000). Hansen, Peter.
    In: Working Papers.

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  39. Output Fluctuations in the United States: What Has Changed since the Early 1980s?. (2000). Perez Quiros, Gabriel ; McConnell, Margaret M. ; Perez-Quiros, Gabriel.
    In: American Economic Review.

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  40. Tests of Equal Forecast Accuracy and Encompassing for Nested Models. (1999). McCracken, Michael ; Clark, Todd.
    In: Computing in Economics and Finance 1999.

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  41. Nonlinear time series modelling: an introduction. (1999). Potter, Simon.
    In: Staff Reports.

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  42. Tests of equal forecast accuracy and encompassing for nested models. (1999). McCracken, Michael ; Clark, Todd.
    In: Research Working Paper.

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  43. Whats happened to the Phillips curve?. (1999). Williams, John ; Roberts, John ; Brayton, Flint .
    In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series.

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  44. Emerging Markets and Trading Costs. (1999). Ghysels, Eric ; Cherkaoui, Mouna .
    In: CIRANO Working Papers.

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  45. Structural change in regional economies: A varying coefficients econometric modeling approach. (1998). Ramajo, Julian ; Marquez, Miguel A..
    In: ERSA conference papers.

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  46. Output fluctuations in the United States: what has changed since the early 1980s?. (1998). Perez Quiros, Gabriel ; Perezquiros, Gabriel ; McConnell, Margaret M..
    In: Staff Reports.

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  47. Structural Change Tests for Simulated Method of Moments. (1998). Guay, Alain.
    In: Cahiers de recherche CREFE / CREFE Working Papers.

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  48. Structural Change Tests for Simulated Method of Moments. (1998). Guay, Alain ; Ghysels, Eric.
    In: CIRANO Working Papers.

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  49. Slowdowns and Meltdowns: Postwar Growth Evidence from 74 Countries. (1997). Papell, David ; Ben-David, Dan.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  50. Explaining the Labor Force Participation of Women 20-24. (1996). Macunovich, Diane ; Fair, Ray.
    In: Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers.

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  51. On Stable Factor Structures in the Pricing of Risk. (1995). Ghysels, Eric.
    In: CIRANO Working Papers.

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  52. Forecasting EMU macroeconomic variables. (). Marcellino, Massimiliano.
    In: Working Papers.

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  53. Forecast pooling for short time series of macroeconomic variables. (). Marcellino, Massimiliano.
    In: Working Papers.

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  54. Instability and non-linearity in the EMU. (). Marcellino, Massimiliano.
    In: Working Papers.

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  55. Ex Post and Ex Ante Analysis of Provisional Data. (). Marcellino, Massimiliano ; Gallo, Giampiero.
    In: Working Papers.

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