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Combining Survey Long-Run Forecasts and Nowcasts with BVAR Forecasts Using Relative Entropy. (2018). Zaman, Saeed ; Tallman, Ellis.
In: Working Papers (Old Series).

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  1. Anchoring Long-term VAR Forecasts Based On Survey Data and State-space Models. (2023). Gaglianone, Wagner ; Moreira, Marta Baltar.
    In: Working Papers Series.

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  2. Structural scenario analysis with SVARs. (2021). Petrella, Ivan ; Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F ; Antolin-Diaz, Juan.
    In: Journal of Monetary Economics.

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  3. Does Judgment Improve Macroeconomic Density Forecasts?. (2020). Mitchell, James ; Garratt, Anthony ; Galvao, Ana Beatriz.
    In: EMF Research Papers.

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  4. Combining survey long-run forecasts and nowcasts with BVAR forecasts using relative entropy. (2020). Zaman, Saeed ; Tallman, Ellis W.
    In: International Journal of Forecasting.

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  5. Monetary policy with judgment. (2020). Gelain, Paolo ; Manganelli, Simone.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  6. Bayesian VAR Forecasts, Survey Information and Structural Change in the Euro Area. (2019). Ganics, Gergely ; Odendahl, Florens.
    In: Working papers.

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References cited by this document

    References contributed by pko254-8429

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