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Preferencias de la población ante la financiación de la dependéncia: La hipoteca inversa en Espana. (). Mascarilla- Miró, Oscar ; Gil, Joan ; Joan Costa i Font, ; Miro, Oscar Mascarilla.
In: Studies on the Spanish Economy.

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  1. Un impulso al mercado de rentas vitalicias en España. (2008). Ferro, Gustavo.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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References cited by this document

  1. Banco de Espafla (2004) Encuesta Financiera de las Familias (EFF): descripciOn, métodos y resultados preliminares, Boletin EconOmico 1 1b2004, Banco de Espafla.
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  2. Boletin EconOmico de la FHE, FederaciOn Hipotecaria Europea, Hypostat 2004.
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  3. Chen, Y.P (2001) Funding long-term care in the United States: the role of private insurance, Geneva Papers of Risk and Insurance, 26(4): 656-666.

  4. Chia, N.C. y A.K. Tsui (2005) Reverse mortgages as retirement financing instrument: an option for Asset-rich and cash-poor Singaporeans, SCAPE Working Papers Series No. 2005b03.

  5. Costa-Font, J y Garcia Villar, J (2002). Cautividad y demanda de seguros sanitarios privados. Cuadernos EconOmicos de ICE, 55: 7 1-88.
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  6. Costa-Font, J., D. Elvira y 0. Mascarilla (2006) Means Testing and the Heterogeneity of Housing Assets: Funding Long-Term Care in Spain, Social Policy & Administration, 40(5): 543-559 Costa-Font, J , Font-Vilalta, M (2006).The Limits to the Design of Long Term Care Tnsurance Schemes: the Spanish Experience in Comparative Research International Social Security Review, 59(4) : 91- 110 Costa-Font, J., J. Gil y 0. Mascarilla (2006) Capacidad de la Vivienda en Propiedad como Tnstrumento de FinanciaciOn de las Personas mayores en Espafla, Tnstituto Edad-Vida, 2006 (mimeo).
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  15. Mayer, C.J. y K. V. Simons (1994) Reverse mortgages and the liquidity of housing wealth, Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, 22 (2): 235-255 Merrill, S.R., M. Finkel y N.K. Kutty (1994) Potential beneficiaries from reverse mortgage products for elderly homeowners: an analysis of AHS data, Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, 22 (2): 257-299.

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  19. Preferencias de la población ante la financiación de la dependéncia: La hipoteca inversa en Espana. (). Mascarilla- Miró, Oscar ; Gil, Joan ; Joan Costa i Font, ; Miro, Oscar Mascarilla.
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