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Developing and Validating Regional Microsimulation Models. TREMOD: The Tax-Benefit Model of the Italian Province of Trento. (2017). Poy, Samuele ; Fiorio, Carlo ; De Poli, Silvia ; Azzolini, Davide ; Bazzoli, Martina.

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Citations received by this document

  1. The Struggle of Being Poor and Claimant: Evidence on the Non-Take-Up of Social Policies in Italy. (2021). Gallo, Giovanni ; Boscolo, Stefano.
    In: Center for the Analysis of Public Policies (CAPP).

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  2. A Tax-Benefit Microsimulation Model for Personal Income Taxation in Italy. (2021). Manzo, Marco ; Miola, Elena.
    In: Working Papers.

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  3. Cost-Efficiency Index of the Development Plan of Medellín, 2015. (2020). Londoño, Charle ; Londoo, Charle Augusto.
    In: Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement.

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  4. The Contribution of Proportional Taxes and Tax-Free Cash Benefits to Income Redistribution over the Period 2005-2018: Evidence from Italy. (2019). Boscolo, Stefano.
    In: Department of Economics.

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  5. Quantifying the Redistributive Effect of the Erosion of the Italian Personal Income Tax Base: A Microsimulation Exercise. (2019). Boscolo, Stefano.

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  6. The contribution of proportional taxes and tax-free cash benefits to income redistribution over the period 2005-2018: Evidence from Italy. (2019). Boscolo, Stefano.
    In: EUROMOD Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

  1. Žarković-Rakić J. (2010). First Serbian Tax-Benefit Microsimulation Model-SRMOD. The Quarterly Monitor of Economic Trends and Policies in Serbia, 20.).
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  2. Albarea A., Bernasconi M., Di Novi C., Marenzi A., Rizzi D. and Zantomio F. (2015). Accounting for Tax Evasion Profiles and Tax Expenditures in Microsimulation Modelling. The BETAMOD Model for Personal Income Taxes in Italy. The International Journal of Microsimulation, 8(3): 99-136.

  3. Atkinson A.B., Piketty T. and Saez E. (2011). Top Incomes in the Long Run of History. Journal of Economic Literature, 49(1): 3-71.

  4. Baldini M., Bosi P. and Colombini S. (2004). Efficacia Selettiva dell’Ise nell’Erogazione di Prestazioni Sociali Agevolate nella Provincia di Modena. CAPP Working Paper 456.
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  5. Baldini M., Giarda E. and Olivieri A. (2015). A Tax-Benefit Microsimulation Model for Italy: A Partial Evaluation of Fiscal Consolidation in the Period 2011-2014. Prometeia Nota di Lavoro, 1.
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  6. Betti G., Donatiello G. and Verma V. (2010). The Siena Microsimulation Model (sm2) for Net-Gross Conversion of Eu-Silc Income Variables. International Journal of Microsimulation, 4(1): 35-53.

  7. Brunori P. and Lagravinese R. (2012). Il Finanziamento delle Politiche Regionali per la Non Autosufficienza in Puglia. Ipotesi di Riforma dell’Addizionale Irpef. In: Peragine V. (a cura di). Povertà e Politiche in Puglia. Roma: Carocci.
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  8. Ceriani L., Figari F. and Fiorio C. (2013). EUROMOD Country Report. Italy 2009-2012. Colchester: University of Essex.
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  9. Cipollone A., Coromaldi M., Curci N., De Luca G., Depalo D. and Rossetti C. (2013). The Non-Behavioral Module of the Italian Microsimulation Model Econlav. Government of the Italian Republic (Italy), Ministry of Economy and Finance, Department of the Treasury Working Paper 2.

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  11. Decancq K., Decoster A., Spiritus K. and Verbist G. (2012). MEFISTO: A New Microsimulation Model for Flanders. FLEMOSI Discussion Paper 14.
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  12. Di Biase R., Di Marco M., Di Nicola F. and Proto G. (1995). ITAXMOD: a Microsimulation Model of the Italian Personal Income Tax and of Social Security Contributions. ISPE Documenti di Lavoro, 16.
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  13. Di Nicola F., Mongelli G. and Pellegrino S. (2015). The Static Microsimulation Model of the Italian Department of Finance: Structure and First Results Regarding Income and Housing Taxation. Economia pubblica, 2: 125-157.

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  15. Fiorio C. (2009). Microsimulation and Analysis of Income Distribution: An Application in Italy. VDM, Verlag.
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  16. Gastaldi F., Pazienza M.G. and Pollastri C. (2017). I Modelli di Microsimulazione dell’UPB: Famiglie e Imprese. mimeo.
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  19. Maitino M.L., Ravagli L. and Sciclone N. (2017). Microreg: A Traditional Tax-Benefit Microsimulation Model Extended To Indirect Taxes And In Kind Transfers. International Journal of Microsimulation, 10(1): 5-38.

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  22. Popova D. (2012). Constructing the Tax-Benefit Micro Simulation Model for Russia-RUSMOD. EUROMOD Working Paper 7.

  23. Proto G. (1999). Il Modello di Microsimulazione MASTRICT: Struttura e Risultati. Rivista di statistica ufficiale, 3.
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  24. Rizzi D. (1990). Un Modello Integrato per lo Studio degli Effetti delle Politiche Economiche sulla Poverta. Politica Economica, 2.
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  25. Silverman B.W. (1986). Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. CRC press, 26.
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  26. Sutherland H. and Figari F. (2013). EUROMOD: the European Union Tax-Benefit Microsimulation Model. International Journal of Microsimulation, 1(6): 4-26.

  27. Wilkinson K. (2009). Adapting EUROMOD for Use in a Developing Country: The case of South Africa and SAMOD. EUROMOD Working Paper 5.


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  7. The Struggle of Being Poor and Claimant: Evidence on the Non-Take-Up of Social Policies in Italy. (2021). Gallo, Giovanni ; Boscolo, Stefano.
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