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Is Novelty always a good thing? Towards an Evolutionary Welfare Economics. (2009). Schubert, Christian.
In: Papers on Economics and Evolution.

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  1. Innovation and social welfare: A new research agenda. (2021). Castellacci, Fulvio.
    In: Working Papers on Innovation Studies.

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  2. Tackling Keynes’ question: a look back on 15 years of Learning To Consume. (2017). chai, andreas.
    In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

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  3. Consumer well-being in a future of accelerating novelty. (2017). Cooper, Kristen B.
    In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

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  4. Price versus quality competition: in search for Schumpeterian evolution mechanisms. (2016). Malawski, Andrzej ; Lipieta, Agnieszka.
    In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

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  5. Has Creative Destruction become more Destructive?. (2016). Komlos, John ; John, Komlos .
    In: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy.

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  6. Market vs. system failure as a rationale for EU regional policy? A critique from an evolutionary economic perspective. (2015). Schmidt, Peter.
    In: ERSA conference papers.

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  7. Does classical liberalism imply an evolutionary approach to policy-making?. (2015). Schnellenbach, Jan.
    In: Journal of Bioeconomics.

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  8. Market failure vs. system failure as a rationale for economic policy? A critique from an evolutionary perspective. (2015). Schmidt, Peter.
    In: Papers on Economics and Evolution.

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  9. Cross-specialization: A New Perspective on Industry Policy. (2015). Janssen, Matthijs J..
    In: Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG).

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  10. Does classical liberalism imply an evolutionary approach to policy-making?. (2014). Schnellenbach, Jan.
    In: Freiburg Discussion Papers on Constitutional Economics.

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  11. Should evolutionary economists embrace libertarian paternalism?. (2014). Binder, Martin.
    In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

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  12. “Generalized Darwinism” and the quest for an evolutionary theory of policy-making. (2014). Schubert, Christian.
    In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

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  13. A general model of the innovation - subjective well-being nexus. (2014). Engelbrecht, Hans-Jurgen.
    In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

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  14. Industrial and technological policy: Contributions from evolutionary perspectives to policy design in developing countries.. (2014). Yoguel, Gabriel ; Pereira, Mariano.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  15. Reconciling Normative and Behavioral Economics: An Application of the “Naturalistic Approach” to the Adaptation Problem. (2014). Schubert, Christian ; Binder, Martin.
    In: Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik).

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  16. Evolving Preferences and Welfare Economics: The Perspective of Constitutional Political Economy. (2014). Vanberg, Viktor.
    In: Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik).

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  17. There are several ways to incorporate evolutionary concepts into economic thinking.. (2014). Cordes, Christian.
    In: Papers on Economics and Evolution.

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  18. A survey of evolutionary policy: normative and positive dimensions. (2013). van den Bergh, Jeroen ; Kallis, Giorgos.
    In: Journal of Bioeconomics.

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References cited by this document

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