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The Impact of Motivational and Cognitive Factors on Optimistic Earnings Forecasts. (2010). Cianci, Anna M. ; Culbertson, Satoris S..
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  110. M2405 - BRUCE TEXT.indd 236 M2405 - BRUCE TEXT.indd 236 18/10/10 15:14:23 18/10/10 15:14:23 Brian Bruce - 9781848446519 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/10/2016 10:38:46AM via CitEc (NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION, SHARING or POSTING) Motivational and cognitive factors in forecasts 237 Ginossar, Z. and Y. Trope (1987), ‘Problem solving in judgment under uncertainty,’ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 464–74.
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  111. M2405 - BRUCE TEXT.indd 238 M2405 - BRUCE TEXT.indd 238 18/10/10 15:14:23 18/10/10 15:14:23 Brian Bruce - 9781848446519 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/10/2016 10:38:46AM via CitEc (NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION, SHARING or POSTING) Motivational and cognitive factors in forecasts 239 Peterson, D.K. and G.F. Pitz (1986), ‘Effects of amount of information on predictions of uncertain quantities,’ Acta Psychologica, 61 (April), 229–41.
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