- A-15 1.3% of the last category ( ⤠1000USD), most prices are near zero. We drop all transactions with a sales price of ⤠1000 or missing. The remainder of this section provides some descriptive statistics for the three categories of sales price (missing, ⤠1000USD and > 1000USD) to build confidence that the dropped transactions are not affecting the sample in any peculiar way.
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- A-16 Figure A.4: Histogram of low positive sales prices 0 2.0e+05 4.0e+05 6.0e+05 8.0e+05 Frequency 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 SalesPriceAmount Notes: The figure plots the histogram of sales prices excluding zero and up to 10000USD. Based on all states and available years. Figure A.5: Temporal distribution for missing or low sales price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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- A-44 2. Transaction coverage across time by states Figures A.13, A.14 and A.15 plot the number of armâs length transactions per year by state from Section A. above. Some states have good coverage in the mid-90s already (e.g. California, Colorado, New Jersey), but generally, coverage starts to be good from 2000. This is one reason why we focus our analysis to begin in 2000. The other reason is the availablity of pollution data. Most states have a decline in transactions during the housing crisis 2006/2007 in the lead up to the financial crisis.
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- Zillow (2020), Transaction and Assessment Dataset (ZTRAX), Zillow. http://www.zillow.com/ztrax (accessed on November 20th 2020). APPENDIX FOR ONLINE PUBLICATION Disparities in Pollution Capitalization Rates by Josh Graff Zivin1,â, Gregor Singer2,â 1 UCSD and NBER 2 London School of Economics â Correspondence to: Josh Graff Zivin: jgraffzivin@ucsd.edu, Gregor Singer: g.a.singer@lse.ac.uk Sections A.1 to A.6 show additional results for our main paper on page A-1 to A-14. The longer Section A.7 (page A-15 to A-54) provides details and descriptive statistics for constructing our price per square foot (PSQFT) variable from the Zillow data.
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