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Understanding relative commuting within dual-earner couples in Germany. (2020). Scheiner, Joachim ; Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra .
In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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Citations received by this document

  1. Commuting in dual-earner households: International Gender Differences with Time Use Surveys. (2023). Molina, José Alberto ; Gimenez-Nadal, Ignacio J ; Echeverria, Lucia.
    In: GLO Discussion Paper Series.

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  2. A household perspective on the commuting paradox: Longitudinal relationships between commuting time and subjective wellbeing for couples in China. (2023). Ta, NA ; Petrovi, Ana ; van Ham, Maarten ; Tao, Yinhua.
    In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  3. Intra-household decisions and the impact of the built environment on activity-travel behavior: A review of the literature. (2023). Ettema, Dick ; van Wee, Bert ; Hu, Yang.
    In: Journal of Transport Geography.

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  4. .

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  5. Gender differences in work-related high mobility differentiated by partnership and parenthood status. (2022). Wachter, Isabelle ; Holz-Rau, Christian.
    In: Transportation.

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  6. Impacts of Commuting Practices on Social Sustainability and Sustainable Mobility. (2022). Trost, Laura ; Nitschke, Luca ; Stein, Melina ; Deffner, Jutta ; Dirschauer, Ansgar.
    In: Sustainability.

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  7. Are workers commutes sensitive to changes in the labour market situation?. (2022). Martín-Barroso, David ; Velazquez, Francisco J ; Turrion, Jaime ; Nuez-Serrano, Juan A ; Martin-Barroso, David.
    In: Journal of Transport Geography.

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  8. Where does public childcare boost female labor force participation? Exploring geographical heterogeneity across Germany 2007–2017. (2022). Bujard, Martin ; Ruttenauer, Tobias ; Neuberger, Franz.
    In: Demographic Research.

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  9. Why do Gender Differences in Daily Mobility Behaviours persist among workers?. (2021). Bonnel, Patrick ; Bayart, Caroline ; Havet, Nathalie.
    In: Post-Print.

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  10. Data-Driven Analysis on Inter-City Commuting Decisions in Germany. (2021). Fu, Xiaoming ; Voigt, Sven ; Chen, Hui.
    In: Sustainability.

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  11. Leisure Quality among German Parents—Exploring Urbanity, Mobility, and Partner Interaction as Determinants. (2021). Scheiner, Joachim ; Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra.
    In: Sustainability.

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  12. Re-visiting residential self-selection and dissonance: Does intra-household decision-making change the results?. (2021). Janke, Julia.
    In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  13. Why do Gender Differences in Daily Mobility Behaviours persist among workers?. (2021). Bonnel, Patrick ; Bayart, Caroline ; Havet, Nathalie.
    In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  14. Gender and Age Differences in Metropolitan Car Use. Recent Gender Gap Trends in Private Transport. (2020). Miralles-Guasch, Carme ; Marquet, Oriol ; Cubells, Jeronia.
    In: Sustainability.

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