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Contributions of design emphasis, design resources and design excellence to market performance in technology-based service innovation. (2016). Candi, Marina.
In: Technovation.

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  1. Healthcare 3D printing service innovation: Resources and capabilities for value Co-creation. (2023). Narayanamurthy, Gopalakrishnan ; Naseraldin, Hussein ; Chaudhuri, Atanu.
    In: Technovation.

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  2. Exploring the knowledge base of innovation research: Towards an emerging innovation model. (2022). Sengoku, Shintaro ; Islam, Nazrul ; Avila-Robinson, Alfonso.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  3. Developing a Design Management Model for Innovating SMEs in the Context of Regional Smart Specialisation. (2016). Gerlitz, Laima.
    In: Research in Economics and Business: Central and Eastern Europe.

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References cited by this document

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