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Openness to international markets and the diffusion of standards compliance in Latin America. A multi level analysis. (2012). Iizuka, Michiko ; Bodas Freitas, Isabel Maria ; Bodas Freitas, Isabel Maria, ; Bodas Freitas , Isabel Maria, .
In: Research Policy.

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  1. Fire and ice: The incompatible impact of industry-wide domestic patents and international standards on firm internationalization. (2023). Clougherty, Joseph ; Hashai, Niron ; Drori, Netanel.
    In: International Business Review.

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  2. Quality of pro-market national institutions and firms’ decision to invest in R&D: evidence from developing and transition economies. (2022). Castellacci, Fulvio ; Bodas Freitas, Isabel Maria ; Oguguo, Prince C.
    In: Eurasian Business Review.

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  3. Revisiting ISO 14001 diffusion among national terrains: panel data evidence from OECD countries and the BRIICS. (2021). HALKOS, GEORGE ; Skouloudis, Antonis ; Nomikos, Stylianos.
    In: Environmental Economics and Policy Studies.

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  4. Driving sectoral sustainability via the diffusion of organizational eco‐innovations. (2020). Martínez-Ros, Ester ; Kesidou, Effie ; Garcia-Quevedo, Jose ; Martinezros, Ester ; Garciaquevedo, Jose.
    In: Business Strategy and the Environment.

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  5. Inter-industry differences in organisational eco-innovation: a panel data study. (2018). Martinez-Ros, Ester ; Kesidou, Effie ; Garcia-Quevedo, Jose.
    In: Working Papers.

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  6. Interplay of innovation and standardization: Exploring the relevance in developing countries. (2017). Zoo, Hanah ; Lee, Heejin ; de Vries, Henk J.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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