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Smart sentencing guidelines: The effect of marginal policy changes on recidivism. (2018). Phillips, David ; Estelle, Sarah M.
In: Journal of Public Economics.

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  1. One judge to rule them all: Single?member courts as an answer to delays in criminal trials. (2023). Alysandratos, Theodore ; Kalliris, Konstantinos.
    In: Journal of Empirical Legal Studies.

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  2. Juvenile Incarceration and Adult Recidivism. (2019). Grau, Nicolas ; Rivera, Jorge ; Cortes, Tomas.
    In: Working Papers.

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  3. Failing to Follow the Rules: Can Imprisonment Lead to More Imprisonment Without More Actual Crime?. (2018). Morenoff, Jeffrey ; Bushway, Shawn D ; Harding, David J ; Franco, Catalina.
    In: Discussion Paper Series in Economics.

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References cited by this document

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  4. Anderson, J.M. ; Kling, J.R. ; Stith, K. Measuring Interjudge sentencing disparity: before and after the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. 1999 J. Law Econ.. 42 271-307

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  8. Billings, S.B. ; Phillips, D.C. Why do kids get into trouble on school days?. 2017 Reg. Sci. Urban Econ.. 65 16-24

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