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Income inequality and health: Lessons from a refugee residential assignment program. (2012). Niknami, Susan ; Johansson, Per ; Grnqvist, Hans .
In: Journal of Health Economics.

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  2. Impact of Income Inequality on Health Status in South Asian Countries: A Panel Data Analysis. (2021). Khan, Shahbaz ; Ahmad, Nisar.
    In: International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA).

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  3. A gravity analysis of refugee mobility using mobile phone data. (2021). Maystadt, Jean-François ; Litina, Anastasia ; Bertinelli, Luisito ; Comertpay, Rana ; Beine, Michel.
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  4. The Gravity Model of Forced Displacement Using Mobile Phone Data. (2020). Litina, Anastasia ; Maystadt, Jean-Franois ; Comertpay, Rana ; Bertinelli, Luisito ; Beine, Michel.
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  5. The Gravity Model of Forced Displacement Using Mobile Phone Data. (2020). Bertinelli, Luisito ; Beine, Michel ; Maystadt, Jean-Francois ; Litina, Anastasia ; Comertpay, Rana.
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  6. CEO Health and Corporate Governance. (2020). TÃ¥g, Joacim ; Tg, Joacim ; Knupfer, Samuli ; Keloharju, Matti.
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  7. Refugee Mobility: Evidence from Phone Data in Turkey. (2019). ZOU, Benteng ; Maystadt, Jean-François ; Litina, Anastasia ; Bertinelli, Luisito ; Beine, Michel ; Comertpay, Rana.
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  8. On the Anatomy of a Refugee Dispersal Policy: Neighborhood Integration and Dynamic Sorting. (2019). Valeyatheepillay, Madhinee ; Dahlberg, Matz.
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  9. Health care utilization of refugees. (2018). Schober, Thomas ; Zocher, Katrin .
    In: Economics working papers.

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  10. Neighborhoods and youth health: Everybody needs good neighbors?. (2018). Bjorkegren, Evelina.
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  11. Revisiting the Relationship between Ethnic Diversity and Preferences for Redistribution: Comment. (2017). Pettersson-Lidbom, Per ; Nekby, Lena.
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  12. Childhood Exposure to Segregation and Long-Run Criminal Involvement - Evidence from the “Whole of Sweden” Strategy#. (2015). Robling, Per Olof ; Gronqvist, Hans ; Niknami, Susan ; Robling, P-O, .
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  13. Health and Inequality. (2013). Van Ourti, Tom ; Van Doorslaer, Eddy ; O'Donnell, Owen.
    In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers.

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  14. Musn’t Grumble. Immigration, Health and Health Service Use in the UK and Germany. (2012). wadsworth, jonathan.
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  15. Musnt Grumble: Immigration, Health and Health Service Use in the UK and Germany. (2012). wadsworth, jonathan.
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  16. Revisiting the Relationship between Ethnic Diversity and Preferences for Redistribution. (2012). Pettersson-Lidbom, Per ; Nekby, Lena.
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  18. Musn’t Grumble. Immigration, Health and Health Service Use in the UK and Germany. (2012). wadsworth, jonathan.
    In: CReAM Discussion Paper Series.

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  19. Musnt Grumble. Immigration, Health and Health Service Use in the UK and Germany. (2012). wadsworth, jonathan.
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References cited by this document

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