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The uncertain unit root in real GNP: A re-examination. (2009). Darné, Olivier ; Darne, Olivier.
In: Journal of Macroeconomics.

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  1. Econometric history of the growth–volatility relationship in the USA: 1919–2017. (2021). Darne, Olivier ; Charles, Amelie.
    In: Post-Print.

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  2. .

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  3. Spurious OLS Estimators of Detrending Method by Adding a Linear Trend in Difference-Stationary Processes - A Mathematical Proof and its Verification by Simulation. (2020). Zhiming, Long ; Herrera, Remy.
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  4. Spurious OLS Estimators of Detrending Method by Adding a Linear Trend in Difference-Stationary Processes - A Mathematical Proof and its Verification by Simulation. (2020). Zhiming, Long ; Herrera, Remy.
    In: Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers).

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  5. Macroeconomic impacts of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. (2019). Burke, Paul ; Best, Rohan.
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  6. Dynamika płac a długotrwałe bezrobocie w polskiej gospodarce. (2016). Bartosik, Krzysztof ; Mycielski, Jerzy.
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  7. Dynamika płac a długotrwałe bezrobocie w polskiej gospodarce. (2016). Bartosik, Krzysztof ; Mycielski, Jerzy.
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  8. Nonstationary-volatility robust panel unit root tests and the great moderation. (2015). Czudaj, Robert ; Hanck, Christoph.
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  9. Unit Roots in Economic and Financial Time Series: A Re-Evaluation based on Enlightened Judgement. (2015). Kim, Jae ; Choi, In.
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  10. Long-run monetary neutrality under stochastic and deterministic trends. (2015). Ventosa-Santaulària, Daniel ; Noriega, Antonio ; Ventosa-Santaularia, Daniel .
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  12. Nonstationary-Volatility Robust Panel Unit Root Tests and the Great Moderation. (2013). Czudaj, Robert ; Hanck, Christoph .
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  13. A note of the uncertain trend in US real GNP: Evidence from robust unit root tests. (2012). Darné, Olivier ; Charles, Amelie.
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  14. Unit-root and stationarity testing with empirical application on industrial production of CEE-4 countries. (2011). Výrost, Tomáš ; Lyócsa, Štefan ; Baumohl, Eduard ; Vrost, Toma ; Lyocsa, Tefan.
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  15. Stationarity, structural breaks, and economic growth in Mexico: 1895-2008. (2011). Noriega, Antonio ; Rodriguez-Perez, Cid Alonso .
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  16. Une approche déterministe du taux de change euro-dollar. (2010). Goux, Jean-Franois .
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  19. Spurious Long-Horizon Regression in Econometrics. (2010). Ventosa-Santaulària, Daniel ; Noriega, Antonio ; Ventosa-Santaularia, Daniel .
    In: Working Papers.

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  20. Econometric history of the growth–volatility relationship in the USA: 1919–2017. (). Darné, Olivier ; Charles, Amelie.
    In: Cliometrica.

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References cited by this document

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