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Are freight futures markets efficient? Evidence from IMAREX. (2012). Skiadopoulos, George ; Goulas, Lambros .
In: International Journal of Forecasting.

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  1. Efficiency of Wheat Futures across APMC Mandis. (2023). Singh, Rahul Kumar.
    In: Journal of Quantitative Economics.

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  2. An innovative tool for cost control under fragmented scenarios: The container freight index microinsurance. (2023). Yang, MO ; Wang, Xuanhe ; Xiang, Zhiyuan ; Yu, Fangping ; Kuang, Haibo.
    In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

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  3. .

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  4. Hedging ship price risk using freight derivatives in the drybulk market. (2020). Bornes, Eirik A ; Ameln, Haakon ; Adland, Roar.
    In: Journal of Shipping and Trade.

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  5. Quantile hedge ratio for forward freight market. (2020). Chen, Zhenxi ; Gu, Yimiao ; Luo, Meifeng ; Lien, Donald.
    In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

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  6. Contagion risk between the shipping freight and stock markets: Evidence from the recent US-China trade war. (2020). Li, Kevin X ; Gong, Yuting ; Shi, Wenming ; Chen, Shu-Ling.
    In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

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  7. Crude oil contango arbitrage and the floating storage decision. (2019). Adland, Roar ; Regli, Frederik.
    In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

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  8. Explaining price differences between physical and derivative freight contracts. (2018). Adland, Roar ; Alizadeh, Amir H.
    In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

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  9. A survey of shipping finance research: Setting the future research agenda. (2018). VISVIKIS, ILIAS ; Tsouknidis, Dimitris ; Kavussanos, Manolis ; Kim, Chi Y ; Alexandridis, George.
    In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

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  10. Dynamic patterns of dry bulk freight spot rates through the lens of a time-varying coefficient model. (2018). Ko, Byoung-Wook.
    In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  11. Shipping risk management practice revisited: A new portfolio approach. (2018). VISVIKIS, ILIAS ; Alexandridis, George ; Song, Dong-Wook ; Sahoo, Satya.
    In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  12. Investigating dependencies among oil price and tanker market variables by copula-based multivariate models. (2018). Zhang, YI.
    In: Energy.

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  13. The Baltic Dry Index: cyclicalities, forecasting and hedging strategies. (2017). Thomakos, Dimitrios ; Papailias, Fotis ; Liu, Jiadong.
    In: Empirical Economics.

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  14. Simulating physical basis risks in the Capesize freight market. (2017). Adland, Roar ; Jia, Haiying.
    In: Maritime Economics & Logistics.

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References cited by this document

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