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Human development in Africa: A long-run perspective. (2013). Prados de la Escosura, Leandro.
In: Explorations in Economic History.

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  1. On the Nexus Between Institutions and Economic Development: An Empirical Analysis for Sub-Saharan African Countries. (2022). Acaravci, Ali ; Erdogan, Sinan.
    In: The European Journal of Development Research.

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  2. Assessing Africa’s Agricultural TFP for Food Security and Effects on Human Development: Evidence from 35 Countries. (2022). Hena, Sehresh ; Song, Yanping ; Bernard, Boima M ; Wang, Xin ; Ahmad, Fayyaz.
    In: Sustainability.

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  3. On Some Problems of Using the Human Development Index in Economic History. (2021). Vecchi, Giovanni ; Gabbuti, Giacomo ; amendola, nicola.
    In: LEM Papers Series.

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  4. On Some Problems of Using the Human Development Index in Economic History. (2021). Gabbuti, Giacomo ; amendola, nicola ; Vecchi, Giovanni.
    In: CEIS Research Paper.

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  5. Beyond Miracle and Malaise: Social Capability in Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal during the Development Era 1930-1980. (2019). Andersson, Martin.
    In: Lund Papers in Economic History.

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  6. Human Development in the Age of Globalisation. (2019). Prados de la Escosura, Leandro.
    In: Working Papers.

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  7. Human Development in the Age of Globalisation. (2019). Prados de la Escosura, Leandro.
    In: IFCS - Working Papers in Economic History.WH.

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  8. Human Development in the Age of Globalisation. (2019). Prados de la Escosura, Leandro.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  9. Human Development in the Age of Globalisation. (2019). Prados de la Escosura, Leandro.
    In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series.

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  10. Tax Stabilisation, Trade and Political Transitions in Francophone West Africa over 120 Years. (2018). Andersson, Jens.
    In: African Economic History Working Paper.

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  11. On the use of composite indices in economic history. Lessons from Italy, 1861-2017. (2018). Vecchi, Giovanni ; amendola, nicola ; Gabbuti, Giacomo.
    In: HHB Working Papers Series.

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  12. Income Inequality in Colonial Africa: Building Social Tables for Pre-Independence Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, and Senegal. (2017). Alfani, Guido ; Tadei, Federico .
    In: Working Papers.

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  13. Forever Young?. (2016). Rigolini, Jamele ; Bruni, Lucilla Maria ; Troiano, Sara .
    In: World Bank Other Operational Studies.

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  14. Development perspectives of Sub-Saharan Africa under climate policies. (2016). Schwerhoff, Gregor ; Leimbach, Marian ; Schultes, Anselm ; Roming, Niklas .
    In: EcoMod2016.

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  15. The Misty Grail: The Search for a Comprehensive Measure of Development and the Reasons of GDP Primacy. (2015). Felice, Emanuele.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  16. Social Mobility among Christian Africans: Evidence from Ugandan Marriage Registers 1895-2011. (2015). Weisdorf, Jacob ; Meier zu Selhausen, Felix.
    In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series.

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  17. Economic Development In Africa And Europe : Reciprocal Comparisons. (2015). Gardner, Leigh ; Broadberry, Stephen.
    In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series.

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  18. World Human Development: 1870–2007. (2015). Prados de la Escosura, Leandro.
    In: Review of Income and Wealth.

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References cited by this document

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