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Applied cost allocation: The DEA–Aumann–Shapley approach. (2016). Hougaard, Jens ; Bogetoft, Peter ; Smilgins, Aleksandrs .
In: European Journal of Operational Research.

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    In: Journal of Business Research.

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  2. Regulatory efficiency decomposition for utilities’ parallel subsystems. (2021). Steele, Paulo E ; Mendes, Rodrigo Luiz ; Leme, Rafael Coradi ; Mosquera, Julio Cesar.
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  3. Advancing Universal Health Coverage in the COVID-19 Era : An Assessment of Public Health Services Technical Efficiency and Applied Cost Allocation in Cambodia. (2021). Erreygers, Guido ; Bogetoft, Peter ; Pheakdey, Sambo ; Chea, Vanara ; Kolesar, Robert John.
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  4. A generalization of the Aumann–Shapley value for risk capital allocation problems. (2020). De Waegenaere, Anja ; Norde, Henk ; Boonen, Tim J.
    In: European Journal of Operational Research.

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  5. Goal congruence analysis in multi-Division Organizations with shared resources based on data envelopment analysis. (2017). ding, jingjing ; Zhu, Joe ; Liang, Liang ; Dong, Wei.
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  6. Rational inefficiency, adjustment costs and sequential technologies. (2017). Hampf, Benjamin.
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References cited by this document

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