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Social perception of risk in socio-ecological systems. A qualitative and quantitative analysis. (2019). Lpez-Gmez, Connie Paola ; Villegas-Palacio, Clara ; Bolaos-Valencia, Ingrid ; Ruiz, Aura ; Berrouet, Lina.
In: Ecosystem Services.

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  1. Understanding socio-spatial perceptions and Badlands ecosystem services valuation. Is there any welfare in soil erosion?. (2023). Martinez-Paz, Jose M ; Martinez-Carrasco, Federico ; Alcon, Francisco ; Albaladejo-Garcia, Jose A.
    In: Land Use Policy.

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  2. Increasing social risk and markets demand lead to a more selective fishing across the Pantanal wetland. (2023). Mateus, Lucia ; Ceron, Karoline ; Angelini, Ronaldo ; Fischer, Erich ; de Oliveira, Fabio ; Chiaravalloti, Rafael Morais ; Nunes, Andre Valle ; Penha, Jerry.
    In: Ecological Economics.

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  3. Application of Participatory Methods to Explore Changes in Land Use of a Tropical Dry Forest Basin. (2023). Corrales, Lina Garcia ; Rangel, Humberto Avila ; Nobles, Yhonattan Mendez.
    In: Economia agro-alimentare / Food Economy.

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References cited by this document

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  25. Can Climate Change Awareness Predict Pro-Environmental Practices in Restaurants? Comparing High and Low Dining Expenditure. (2019). Hall, Michael C ; Ja, Myung.
    In: Sustainability.

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  26. Towards Auspicious Agricultural Informatization—Implication of Farmers’ Behavioral Intention Apropos of Mobile Phone Use in Agriculture. (2019). tian, xu ; Xu, Zhangxing ; Wang, Shangao ; Mwalupaso, Gershom Endelani.
    In: Sustainability.

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  27. Climate Change and Dairy in New York and Wisconsin: Risk Perceptions, Vulnerability, and Adaptation among Farmers and Advisors. (2019). Genskow, Ken ; Murdock, Evan ; Lane, David ; Chatrchyan, Allison ; Betz, Carolyn Rumery.
    In: Sustainability.

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  28. Social perception of risk in socio-ecological systems. A qualitative and quantitative analysis. (2019). Lpez-Gmez, Connie Paola ; Villegas-Palacio, Clara ; Bolaos-Valencia, Ingrid ; Ruiz, Aura ; Berrouet, Lina.
    In: Ecosystem Services.

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  29. Do advisors perceive climate change as an agricultural risk? An in-depth examination of Midwestern U.S. Ag advisors’ views on drought, climate change, and risk management. (2018). Mase, Amber Saylor ; Babin, Nicholas ; Dunn, Michael ; Church, Sarah P ; Prokopy, Linda S ; Haigh, Tonya.
    In: Agriculture and Human Values.

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  30. Climate Change Perceptions and Observations of Agricultural Stakeholders in the Northern Great Plains. (2018). Ellis, Colter ; Ahmed, Selena ; Grimberg, Bruna Irene ; Menalled, Fabian ; Miller, Zachariah.
    In: Sustainability.

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  31. A Forward-Looking Ricardian Approach: Do land markets capitalize climate change forecasts?. (2018). Severen, Christopher ; Deschenes, Olivier ; Costello, Christopher.
    In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

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  32. Responses of gross primary production of grasslands and croplands under drought, pluvial, and irrigation conditions during 2010–2016, Oklahoma, USA. (2018). Basara, Jeff ; Doughty, Russell ; Wagle, Pradeep ; Friedman, Jack ; McCarthy, Heather ; Zou, Zhenhua ; Qin, Yuanwei ; Zhou, Yuting ; Bajgain, Rajen ; Zhang, Yao ; Wu, Xiaocui ; Steiner, Jean ; Xiao, Xiangming .
    In: Agricultural Water Management.

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  33. United States agricultural stakeholder views and decisions on climate change. (2017). Allred, Shorna B ; Tobin, Daniel ; Chan, Joana ; Chaopricha, Nina T ; Erlebacher, Rachel C ; Chatrchyan, Allison M.
    In: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change.

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  34. What would farmers do? Adaptation intentions under a Corn Belt climate change scenario. (2017). Tyndall, John Charles ; Arbuckle, Gordon J ; Roesch-McNally, Gabrielle E.
    In: Agriculture and Human Values.

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  35. A Forward Looking Ricardian Approach: Do Land Markets Capitalize Climate Change Forecasts?. (2016). Severen, Christopher ; Deschenes, Olivier ; Costello, Christopher.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  36. Do stakeholders analyze their audience? The communication switch and stakeholder personal versus public communication choices. (2016). Stoutenborough, James W ; Lybecker, Donna L ; McBeth, Mark K.
    In: Policy Sciences.

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  37. Examining Irish farmers’ awareness of climate change and the factors affecting the adoption of an advisory tool for the reduction of GHG emissions. (2016). Tzemi, Domna ; Breen, James P.
    In: 90th Annual Conference, April 4-6, 2016, Warwick University, Coventry, UK.

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  38. Empirical Analysis of Farmers Drought Risk Perception: Objective Factors, Personal Circumstances, and Social Influence. (2015). van der Veen, Anne ; Anne van der Veen, ; Geurts, Peter ; Filatova, Tatiana ; van Duinen, Rianne.
    In: Risk Analysis.

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  39. The vulnerability of the US food system to climate change. (2015). Lengnick, Laura .
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  40. Climatologists’ patterns of conveying climate science to the agricultural community. (2015). Morton, Lois ; Wilke, Adam .
    In: Agriculture and Human Values.

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  41. Farmers Climate Change Risk Perceptions: An Application of the Exchangeability Method. (2014). Menapace, Luisa ; Colson, Gregory ; Raffaell, Roberta .
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