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Combining focus group discussions and choice experiments for economic valuation of peatland restoration: A case study in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. (2017). Schaafsma, M ; Oskolokaite, I ; van Beukering, P. J. H., .
In: Ecosystem Services.

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  1. Economic case for sustainable peatland management: A case study in Kahayan-Sebangau Peat Hydrological Unit, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. (2023). Putra, Surahman ; Nirmala, Eli Nur ; Januar, Rizky.
    In: Land Use Policy.

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  2. The Social License to Restore—Perspectives on Community Involvement in Indonesian Peatland Restoration. (2022). Dargusch, Paul ; Wiesner, Benjamin John.
    In: Land.

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  3. Designing development interventions: The application of service design and discrete choice experiments in complex settings. (2022). Holmlid, Stefan ; Widmark, Erik ; Perez-Viana, Borja ; Balungira, Joshua ; Tabacco, Giovanni Alberto ; Dehmel, Naira ; Ran, Ylva ; Lambe, Fiona ; Osborne, Matthew ; Verschoor, Arjan.
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  4. Why does France not meet its pesticide reduction targets? Farmers socio-economic trade-offs when adopting agro-ecological practices. (2022). van Passel, Steven ; Rousselle, Jean-Marc ; Gibert, Caroline ; Bohan, David A ; David, Maia ; Bjornvold, Amalie.
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  5. Restoration of Degraded Tropical Peatland in Indonesia: A Review. (2021). Putra, Pamungkas Buana ; Savitri, Endang ; Rachmanadi, Dony ; Yuwati, Tri Wira ; Santosa, Purwanto Budi ; Lestari, Sri ; Mendham, Daniel ; Winarno, Bondan ; Narendra, Budi Hadi ; Nasrul, Besri ; Qirom, Muhammad Abdul ; Halwany, Wawan ; Setio, Hunggul Yudono ; Prayudyaningsih, Retno ; Indrajaya, Yonky ; Wahyuningtyas, Reni Setyo ; Turjaman, Maman.
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  6. Trading off environmental goods for compensations: Insights from traditional and deliberative valuation methods in the Ecuadorian Amazon. (2020). Kephaliacos, Charilaos ; del Corso, Jean-Pierre ; Gallai, Nicola ; Balaine, Lorraine.
    In: Ecosystem Services.

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  7. Integrated ecosystem service assessment for landscape conservation design in the Green Bay watershed, Wisconsin. (2019). Stoll, John ; Peroff, Deidre M ; Noordyk, Julia ; Galbraith, Betsy ; Carrozzino-Lyon, Amy L ; Evans, Nicole M ; Davis, Mark A ; Winden, Matthew W ; Thompson, Aaron .
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References cited by this document

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