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Understanding migration aversion using elicited counterfactual choice probabilities. (2022). van der Klaauw, Wilbert ; Ransom, Tyler ; Koar, Gizem.
In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  1. Alternative Models of Preference Heterogeneity for Elicited Choice Probabilities. (2024). Yoo, Hong Il ; Walker, Matthew ; Kettlewell, Nathan.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  2. The nature, causes, and consequences of inter-regional inequality. (2024). Storper, Michael ; Buchholz, Maximilian ; Bathelt, Harald.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  3. Testing classic theories of migration in the lab. (2023). McKenzie, David ; Batista, Catia.
    In: Journal of International Economics.

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  4. Using Probabilistic Stated Preference Analyses to Understand Actual Choices. (2023). Meango, Romuald.
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References cited by this document

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